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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1553]. Carta de Pero Pardo, mercador espanhol, para Andrés de Casanova, seu criado e caixeiro.

Autor(es) Pero Pardo      
Destinatário(s) Andrés de Casanova      
In English

Instructions letter from Pero Pardo, a merchant, to Andrés de Casanova, servant and salesman.

The author tells the addressee what he had confessed before the Inquisition. He tells him to stick to the same version himself: that they slept together, and that everybody knew about it.

Pero Pardo was a Spanish merchant from Burgos who was persecuted by the Portuguese Inquisition in 1553, along with his servant, Andrés de Casanova, under the accusation of sodomy. Pero Pardo tried to reach the servant in prison with notes telling him what to say and sending him some ink for him to answer back. They had been living in Portugal for 23 years (the merchant) and 13 years (the servant).

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Texto: -

dixe que dormiamos juntos abia dus anos a porta aberta q todo lo mundo o sabia e entravan e salian todos po estar doente e dar vos conta dos negozios
e dixe a berdad en todo e o camino q lebamos tudo en berdad
e asi oveys vos de dizer
e dito ysto despois non mudar de aqui ahu q se fimda o mundo
e falar berdad en tudo sempre
e con ysto deus vos sacara de ay libre pois ee verdade e nunca mais falar nada nin mudares de lo que hũa vez dixeredes por cousas q vos digan

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