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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1526]. Carta de Antonio de Medrano, cura, para Juana López.

Autor(es) Antonio de Medrano      
Destinatário(s) Juana López      
In English

Love letter from Antonio de Medrano, priest, to Juana López.

The author expresses Juana López his hope that they will see each other soon, using a mystical code.

The sender of this letter was Antonio de Medrano, a priest in the churches of Navarrete y Fuenmayor (La Rioja). He was accused by the Inquisition of Logroño in 1526 of the crime of 'heretical propositions'. The three letters he sent to Juana López initiated the charges, which were truly motivated by the desire of the Cabredo family to deprive Antonio de Medrano of the power he had in Navarrete y Fuenmayor. The defendant was convicted to abjuration 'de levi' and to pay 100 golden 'ducados'. He was forbidden of preaching in private residences and of delivering the communion to under aged Catholics. In 1530 he was charged once more by the Inquisition of Toledo of 'Alumbrismo' and Epicureanism and convicted to abjuration 'de vehementi' in a public 'auto-da-fé', to life imprisonment in a monastery, the suspension of his priesthood for two years and the payment of 30,000 'maravedíes'.

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Texto: -

hermana mya
nro dyos dulçe y suave a los q le desean endulçesca sus entrañas y ençyenda su anyma e su dyvyno amor
o hermana mya
el grand deseo q tengo de su consolaçion me fuerça a hazelle saber el cuydado q nro señor me a dado del aprovechamyeto de su anyma q es mayor q yo se dezir
plega a su dyvyna majestad q de tal manera lo acreçyente q unydos en este sumo byen no sepamos syno a xpo.
y creame q es tanto lo q my anyma le queria dezir q lo dexo para q nro señor se lo manyfieste por su mysericordya y bondad al qual sea gloria e todas sus cryaturas
o my hermana y my señora
callo syn querer y no hablo porq convyene
quedese para quando nro dios dyere disposiçion
quedese en xpo.
al qual me ecomyende en l mayor levantamyeto de su anyma

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