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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1689. Carta de Manuel Rodrigues Mendes para Leonarda Maria de la Puente.

Autor(es) Manuel Rodrigues Mendes      
Destinatário(s) Leonarda Maria de la Puente      
In English

Letter from Manuel Rodrigues Mendes to Leonarda Maria de la Puente.

The author reproaches Leonarda Maria de la Puente for avoiding to protect her daughter.

The defendant of this process is Diogo Pinto da Fonseca, lawyer, born in Covilhã and resident in Lisbon. He was accused of living following the «Law of Moses»: he maintained relationships with Jewish people, he celebrated holiday in September and he did not work on Friday afternoon or Saturday. The 23rd of May, 1687, while he was imprisoned in the jail of the Inquisition in Lisbon, Diogo Pinto da Fonseca was found dead. He had committed suicide by hanging himself with a tie. After his death, an enquiry was started, in order to decide about the defence and prosecution of his memory, honour and properties. In the final resolution, the Inquisition Tribunal declared that the defendant «lived and died in his error». He was considered a heretic: therefore, his properties were confiscated and his body was handed over to the secular justice. Most of the family of Diogo Pinto da Fonseca lived in Spain, in Zafra, including a brother, Jorge Pinto da Fonseca, the author of some of the letters here transcribed, who lived part of his life in Brussels. The other cards were seized by the Spanish Inquisition from Jorge and sent to the Inquisition in Lisbon.

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Texto: -

Reseby su carta de Vm y notando su locura allava q azta aqui sin passar adelante tenia Respondido:
no ostante Respondo aunq es con mucha pacion de notar a Vm de tan poco agradecida: a quien se hiziera lo q le ago Recogerle a una hija muger pa em compañia de miz hijaz, y en su ygual la tener,
y ez mui poca verguenca la q Vm tiene
el querer quitarla del bien de donde esta pa ir a morir de ambre,
q yo no lo ago por Vm ni tanpoco porq me sirva, q quando vino de poder de Vm no tenia ningum prestimo, sino por amor de Dioz, y ser huerfana;
y ez tanto asi y tengo por cargo de consiensia q aunq viniera Vm em persona por ella le juro a Dioz q no solamte la avia de llevar; sino ni verla;
y le buelvo a dizir q quando Vm dizpuziera el benir por ella por laz ordenasiones d este Reyno se lo avia de impidir el jues de huerfanoz q ez como padre de dichos huerfanoz, y p dezean q suabmte vaya en adelante y q no se pierdan
A quien se dixera su locura de Vm teniendo una hija en mi poder con toda artura y buena ensenhansa y grande Respeto
el quererla saquar sin fundamento mas q su ditamen
pierda de ai el sentido, y me mande como le he dicho la fee del bautizmo pa a que lo q Dioz fuere servido darle o pa monja o pa cazada,
y no me ande Vm com maz importunaciones sino con maz agradesimto quien gde Dioz ms añnoz
Puertoalegre a 31 de Enero d 1689
Mel Rois Mendes Da Leonarda Maria

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