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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1825. Carta de Cosme de Camba, escribano de número, para su sobrino Cosme de Camba.

Autor(es) Cosme de Camba      
Destinatário(s) Cosme de Camba      
In English

Letter from Cosme de Camba, public scrivener, to his nephew Cosme de Camba.

The author informs his nephew Cosme de Camba that he must be present to manage the appointment of a new commander.

The process is about the bequest of Cosme de Camba. Cosme de Camba died without leaving children or specific heirs, so his inheritance went to the closest relatives, who were his nephews: María Josefa, Juan, Teresa, Isabel, and Cosme. The first four wanted to exclude Cosme from the inheritance, so he handed over to the tribunal the letter here transcribed, as a proof of his kinship with the deceased.

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Texto: -

Sobrino Cosme:
no dudo estaras sumamte ocupado en asuntos que te ynteresen al parecer;
los mios, los he hido librando a pesar de la poca saluz que he gozado, y gozo en el dia,
tenemos que arreglar el cuerpo de Milicias Realistas y nombramto de nuebo comandante,
espero te presentes para darle curso como mas ynstruido en esta materia,
y de evacuado esto podras volberte a despa-char los que dejes pendientes,
y de este modo podremos salir y adelantar algun paso.
No faltes y venir a la maior vrebedad quedando en ynterin tu tio que te estima:
Cosme Puente Abril d 19 de 1825:
expreses a herma da Ma y a tu Me
sobrino dn Cosme Camba

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