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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1698. Carta de José Antonio de Guitián y Losada para Ambrosio Rodríguez.

Autor(es) José Antonio de Guitián y Losada      
Destinatário(s) Ambrosio Rodríguez      
In English

Letter from José Antonio de Guillén y Losada to Ambrosio Rodríguez.

The author urges Ambrosio Rodríguez to pay him a debt.

Following a litigation from 1706 José Antonio de Guillén y Losada urges Ambrosio Rodríguez to pay him a debt of seven "tegas" (trapezoidal wooden box) of rye. The defendant argued that the debt had been paid already. This letter was handed to the defendant by Álvaro Valcárcel, a defendant´s cousin. Ambrosio Rodríguez provided the letter together with other documents to the process documentation in order to prove it had been paid, since in the reverse of the letter it reads the following receipt: Ambrosio de Santalla paid me 6 tegas of rye on August of ninety eight, and it is true he must pay my cousin José de Losada seven tegas every year. My cousin appointed me to receive them from Ambrosio for the Folleda’s chapel rent compliance. Therefore, Ambrosio still owes two tegas: one from the year ninety seven and another one from ninety eight. Riberas de Miño, September twenty sixth of ninety eight. Álvaro Valcárcel y Somoza. To José Antonio de Losada, my cousin, let God be with you for many years. Baamorto"(fl. 19v).

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Texto: -

Amigo Anbrosio Rodriguez
mi primo y Sr D Alvaro de Balcarçe abb de Rive-ras de miño me ynvio a dicir como te Revela-vas en la paga del pan q en tu mano le he librado
trata de se lo pagar
y si no tienes pan en dinero o otra espeçie,
y si no lo haçes te aseguro lo as de pagar con las setenas y no te an de valer tranpas ni fueros nuebos
avisote como amigo q te deseo bien
y a Dios q te gde; como deseas ea
vamorto y setienbre 29 de 1698
tu amigo que bien te desea Dn Joseph Antto guitian Losada y quiroga

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