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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Visualização das frases

1740. Carta de João Ribeiro, contraste, para António Antunes, capitão.

Autor(es) João Ribeiro      
Destinatário(s) António Antunes      
In English

Request letter from João Ribeiro, a jewelry appraiser, to Captain António Antunes.

The author asks the addressee to send him a bottle of lemon balm. He also promises to pay him back soon all the money he borrowed from him.

The heirs of Marcos Ribeiro, the jewel appraiser of Setúbal, went to court because of an inheritance dispute. The widow wanted to be the guardian of the three daughters and their parts in the inheritance.

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Texto: -

em 4 de Abril de 1740
Snr Capetam Anto antunis estimarey que esteja Vmce com perfeita Saude igual ao seu dezo
pesso a Vmce me queira mandar o que Leva esta gerafa de agua da erva sedreira
se Ds quizer pagaremos Este anno que devemos a vmce sem falta alguma;
tudo he vij
João Ribeiro no aLagar dos marmilinhos

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