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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1823]. Carta assinada sob o pseudónimo de António Chuço e enviada a João Figueiredo, prior.

Autor(es) Anónimo17      
Destinatário(s) João Figueiredo      
In English

Extortion letter, signed with the alias Antonio Chuço (Antonio, the Pike), sent to João Figueiredo, prior.

The author threatens the recipient with death if the latter doesn't deliver 50 "mil réis" to liberate a man from the Limoeiro jail.

In the first quarter of the 19th century, extorsion letters became a very typical practice in the Limoeiro jail, near Lisbon. Prisoners, pretending to be highwaymen, contacted people outside jail, threatening them with all sorts of ruinous events in the case they didn't hand in a certain amount of money. The frequentness of this practice was possible also because of the political and social turmoil associated with these first years of Liberalism.

«Dear Sir Prior João Figueiredo.

You will send, until the 23rd this month, to Limoeiro, Lisbon, fifty thousand "réis", to hand in to the prisoner Andrade, who is imprisoned in the dungeon of the City Jail. He is my companion and fellow. I'm António Chuço, from the village of Trancoso, captain of gangs and rings. Beware that, if you fail me, I'll set fire and burn down everything you own in Galveias and I'll torn everything into pieces and you will pay for it in my hands or in those of my second captain, Taborda, and other fellows. Beware that we will cut you into slices. Your house will be devastated for many years. This will happen to you in case you reveal this secret. Therefore, send this amount to the prisoner, to the jail, and whoever goes there must go at 6 o'clock in the afternoon and as soon as he enters the Limoeiro square, he must sit on one [...], which is in the Limoeiro stairs, next to the guard's house, where 1 woman roasts chestnuts and sells fruit, and he must not stand up before the prisoner yells twice "Hey, José!". Then, at this yell, he shall hand in the money to the prisoner in the grille and, before he does so, he must tell him "Give me the password!", which is exactly the one I send you. And be sure that nevermore [...] And I promise you'll be paid in January. Don't complain afterwards for whatever happens to you. I've been avoiding hurting you, because I've been preserving you for a cause such as this one, since my companion is at risk and this money is necessary to set him free. I'm counting on you. Don't complain about your life afterwards.

Your servant, the captain of the gangs,

António Chuço»

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Ao Illmo Snr João de Figue redo meu am Prior em Borba Illmo Snr Prior João Figueiredo

VSa mandara te o dia 23 deste mês o Lemoero a lisboa cincoenta mil reis a serem emtregues o prezo Andrade que la esta prezo na enxovia da Cadeia da Cidade ele he meu Companheiro e Camarada eu sou o Anto Xuço da vila de Trancozo capitão de partidas e quadrilhas veja VSa que se me falta portesto de lançar fogo e arazar qto VSa tem nas galveias e fasso tudo em pedaços e VSa o pagara nas mas maos o do meu segundo Capitão o Taborda e mais Companheiro veja que o fazemos em postas a sua Caza fica arestada pa mtos annos isto lhe aconteçe descobrindo VSa segredo desto acem mande VSa entregar esta contia o prezo a Cadeia e qm for que va as 6 horas da tarde e que logo que entre no Largo do Limoeiro q se va centar em cima de 1ma q esta nas escadas do Lemoeiro da parte da caza da guarda onde 1 molher aca castanhas e vende fruta e de la se não levante sem q o prezo brade 2 vezes o Joze atao a este brado d Joze era entregar o prezo a grade o denheiro e antes que o entregue que lhe diga dame a cenha q é tal qual como a que remeto a VSa e fique certo q jamais se em VSa e portesto pa Janro VSa sera pago o depois não se queixe do que lhe acontecer eu não tenho querido que se lhe faça mal pois o tenho gardado pa huma cauza como esta visto o meu Camarada estar em prigo e ser lhe percizo este dinheiro pa o seu livramto veja q conto com VSa o depois não diga mal a sua vida

su Criado o Capitão das quadrilhas Anto Xuço



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