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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1823]. Carta assinada sob o pseudónimo de José Maria Monteiro de Serpa e enviada a José Maria de Góis.

Autor(es) Anónimo16      
Destinatário(s) José Maria de Góis      
In English

Extorsion letter, signed with the alias José Maria Monteiro de Serpa, sent to José Maria de Góis.

The author threatens the recipient with death if the latter doesn't deliver 6 coins to liberate a man from the Limoeiro jail.

In the first quarter of the 19th century, extorsion letters became a very typical practice in the Limoeiro jail, near Lisbon. Prisoners, pretending to be highwaymen, contacted people outside jail, threatening them with all sorts of ruinous events in the case they didn't hand in a certain amount of money. The frequentness of this practice was possible also because of the political and social turmoil associated with these first years of Liberalism.

«Illustrious Mr. José Maria de Góis.

I'll be very glad to know that you're in good health, in the company of Mrs. Mariana, to whom I also offer myself to whatever may be suitable to her. Illustrious Sir, who writes this letter to you is a loyal friend of yours, José Maria Monteiro de Serpa, captain of a gang of thieves who brings 25 men with him, only to kill and steal on the roads. At the moment, I'm in this city of Lisbon, where I'm in need of 6 coins. I wish you lend them to me and you'll send them through one of your servants to Limoeiro, to the City dungeon, and hand them in to a fellow of mine who's imprisoned there and whose name is António Manuel Serrano. As soon as he gets to the prisoner, he'll speak to him in secret. As soon as he tells him my name and this saint, which is São Roque, he'll give him a receipt, as this money will be paid to you by the end of the month. You'll send this money to the prisoner, in notes, before the 14th this month of January. If you fail to do as I tell you, don't complain afterwards of whatever happens to you, for my name has a good reputation. I've already written to you to your house in Lapa but the letter didnt follow because there were news that you had moved to Cais do Sodré. Now, if you don't send the prisoner an answer, I swear by all that is sacred and by this [drawing of a cross] that you can make your confession, for I follow all your steps, day and night.

I'm your friend,

José Maria Monteiro de Serpa

Your servant, the Captain of gangs

I certify this with my coat of arms.»

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Ao Illmo Snr Joze Maria de Gois Meu Amo e Sr Asistente No Cais de Codre da parte do mar no segundo Cor teirão no terceiro andar por si ma do almazem da brecha mandado andar pelo coro Lisboa Illmo Sr Joze Maria de Gois

Munto Estimarei mto q VSa tenha bonna saude Em Compa da sra Dona Mariana q eu tamemi me ofreco pa o q lhe for pristavel Illmo Senhor quem Escreve Esta a VSa he hum seu amigo Lial Joze Maria Monteiro de Serpa Cappam de huma Coadrilha de Ladrois q trago Em meu poder 25 homis somtes pa matar i Roubar ĩ pelas Estradas i na oCazião prezente achome nesta Cidade de Lisboa adonde me são preÇizas 6 moedas i pertendo de VSa que se sirva de mas Emprestar i as mandara por hum dos seus Creados ao Limoeiro, a Emxobia da Çidade i as Emtregara A hum meu Camarada que La se acha prezo, se chama por nome Antonio Manoel Serano. Logo que chegue o prezo falara Com ele Em segredo i Logo que lhe diga o meu nome i Este Santo q he são Roque lhe Emtregara i lhe pasara hum ReÇibo q Este dinheiro ha de ser pago a VSa no fim deste mes i VSa mandara Este dinro o dito prezo Em papel i daqui Emte dia 14 do corente mês de Janro i Coando VSa Falte a isto q lhe mando dizer dispois não se queixe do q lhe aConteCer que o meu nome he bemi nomeado i eu Ja EsCrevi a VSa pa a sua Caza a lapa i não Foi a dita Carta porq tibe por notiCa q VSa se tinha mudado pa o Cas de Codre agora se VSa não mandar Reposta o dito Prezo eu Gurolhe por Coanto he sagrado i por esta que aqui faco que se pode comfesar q eu sigo todos os seus pasos de dia i de noite

sou de VSa Amo Joze Maria Monteiro de Serpa Capam de huma Coadrilha de ladrois

Atesto Com as minhas armas



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