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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1818]. Carta de Ana para Ana Augusta Ferreira de Mures, sua sobrinha.

Autor(es) Ana      
Destinatário(s) Ana Augusta Ferreira de Mures      
In English

Family letter from Ana to Ana Augusta Ferreira de Mures, her niece.

The author tells her niece about her brother, who is in prison.

Joaquim Norberto Ferreira de Mures was a scribe in the village of Bemposta, in Estarreja. He was a 22 years old single man, from Pombal.He was arrested several times, for different crimes, including carrying illegal weapons. He was also known for the death threats to members of the court, being accused of attempting to murder Dr. Marcos António Eiroles, a judge. In a search done to his house, police found fire weapons and related devices, as well as 14 letters.This is one of the many cases that illustrate a period in which the Crown gathered efforts to contain the gangs of thieves that spread fear amongst the people.

Ana Augusta,

Do not torture yourself with your brother’s setbacks. See them as sent from Heaven, because they are not meant to hurt us. Let’s praise the one who gives them to us, as he punishes us with mercy. If even the Saints suffer when God sends them without being deserved, how can we not suffer them if we deserve them? I know nothing about him, except that the crime is already in the Stewardship Council and the Corregidor told your sister that the Coutinhos had asked her, but that there wasn’t much hope. From there, he will be sent to wherever God determines. He has no one, not even a single person on his side. Everyone claims he is a very bad man. He will spend his whole life there and I have already spent every supply I had for my house; him alone, I would still be able to supply, but another man here is impossible, no one would do the same for me in similar circumstances. I do it for the love of God, while I’m still can, because, if I don’t want to keep doing it, this same God won’t force me to. His animals have already been sold and farewell! Joana, who handles things nicely, asked on his behalf next to the judge. He told her that the crime was no longer up to him, and that it had been an evil thing with fire weapons, a knife and a thumbscrew. Being tired of his offenses, Our Lord is thanking him. I don’t want to ask for anything anymore, so that I don’t have to listen to things that embarrass me. Even a man from Coimbra told to a lady from this convent : “Madam, don’t ask on behalf of this man, because you don’t know what you ask for”. Being so, who will talk about it, Ana? Due to my excessive compassion, God is paying me by giving him what I always thought. Isabel Pórcia told me to my face: “Madam Ana, I was in Salreu and I know that your nephew is quite terrible, and thieves are not only those who steal in the roads. Thieves are also the ones who don’t pay to whom they owe! He is like that; he is not a man who serves his sisters, except with ruin. I pity your nieces, but they brought harm to themselves.” And, even so, your brother has asked for help to the ladies of Lágrimas, but with no luck. Be contempt. Deal with the truth so God can help them. Your brother has been questioned by the ministers. He says a different thing each time, unaware that what is said first must be always maintained. Even the judge was fooled by these nonesenses. Your brother is in Coimbra, being assessed by the biggest beast in the world. I am even ashamed of this, and so is your mother. A scumbag in the courts who inspires no pity, but rather great laughter. The servants comment about it at the door. Thank God I don’t speak to them. Best wishes to Ludovina and from Joaquina Luísa, and Francisca asks for you to Our Lady. And don’t be arrogant, because they are quite dispirited.

Yours truly,


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A Ssenhora Dona Anna Augusta de Mures minha Sobrinha Guarde Deos Anna Augusta

Nada de te mortificares Com os revezes de teu Irmão tumalos Como mandados ao Çeo que numca são pa nosso mal; Louvemos a qm o q inda Castiga Com mta mizaricordia Se os Stos os Sofrem qdo Ds lhos manda Sem o mereserem Como o não. Sofreremos nós que o meresemos: Eu nada delle Sei Senão q o Crime está na Intenda e o Corrigidor dise a Sua Irmãa e dizia q os Coittos lhe tinhão ido pedir mas não boas Esperansas dali hirá pa onde Ds quizer, elle não tem nem quem nem huma unica pessoa a seu favor todos dizem é mto mau homem ali estará toda a sua Vida e eu se me tem ido qto tinha de provimto pa á ma Caza pois de Fora elle inda iria suprindo, mas outro homem ca Mai não pode ser nem la posso q tanto me não farião a mim em iguaes sisConstas faso pelo amor de Ds emqto posso q em não querendo o mesmo Ds me não obriga Ja se lhe venderão as bestas e aDs Joanna da bem Conta pedio por elle o Juis do Crime elle lhe dise q o Crime não estava na sua mão e q era Couza diabolica e Armas de Fogo, faca e huns ferros de prender os dedos. Nosso Sor mto farto das suas ofensas lhe está dando os agradecimtos Eu não qro pedir mais pa não ouvir o q me emvergonha ate hum Sugto de Coimbra dise a huma Sra deste Convto Sra não pesa por este homem q não sabe o q pede - emtão qm ha de falar em tal óh Anna o abuzo dos meus condos está Ds pagando Com lhe dar o q Eu sempre pensei Izabel Porcea me dise na ma Cara Sra D Anna Eu estive em salReo e sei seu Sobro é mto terrivel e não é Ladrão o q furta na estrada tem-bem o q não paga a qm deve: isto tem elle não ho-mem q sirva a suas Irmans senão de mta Ruina Eu tenho das suas Sobras mas o mal fizeram ellas mesmas a si, ora asim mmo tem pedido mto o seu Irmão as Sras das Lagrimas mas nada. tenhão satisfasão tratem verde pa Ds os ajudar. teu Irmão tem sido perguntado pellos Menistros Cada dia dis sua Couza qdo o q se dis á - primra ves Se dis sempre, inda o Juis do Crime ardeu Com estas tolisses está em Coimbra avaliado teu Irmão pello maior Asno do mundo Eu até tenho vergonha disto e tua Mai hum bandalho pellos tribunais q Cauza não mas Rizo de porca e Rota, as Servtas bem o dizem na Porta grasas a Ds q não falo Com ellas Saudes a Ludevina e da Joaqna Luiza e Frca emcomenda-te a Vossa Sra e não tenhas soberbas q essas estão bem abatidas tua do C




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