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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


[1577]. Carta de autora não identificada para [Manuel Reinel], licenciado em Medicina.

Autor(es) Anónima42      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo261      
In English

Private letter written by an annonymous woman to an unidentified addressee, probably Manuel Reinel, licentiate in Medicine.

The author sends news about her and her family and she reminds the addressee of an old love affair between the two.

This proceeding has been fully published by António Manuel Lopes Andrade, under the title “De Ferrara a Lisboa: tribulações do cristão-novo Alexandre Reinel, preso no cárcere do Santo Ofício”, Cadernos de Estudos Sefarditas, nº 7, 2007, pp.83-131. The case concerns Alexandre Reinel, whose original name was Isaque Bendana, and who was accused of Judaism by the Holy Office. He was allegedly part of an illegal immigration scheme of new-Christians, under which he collected money and sent messages. He ended up being arrested in Lisbon, in 1577. Among his belongings they found a book and an anonymous letter. Although Alexandre Reinel claimed not knowing who the author or the addressee of the letter were, António Manuel Lopes Andrade believes the addressee might have been his father, Manuel Reinel and the author a cousin, already a widow. According to António Manuel Lopes Andrade, Manuel Reinel and his cousin had a romantic relationship in the past, but were forced to go separate ways because Manuel Reinel’s uncle (presumably Brás Reinel) chose him another woman to marry (probably D. Leonor Henriques), since she had a bigger dowry. However, the cousin never forgot their love story. Alexandre Reinel was considered guilty in 1578.


You will consider a novelty the fact that I’m writing you. I saw novelty too in the holder of the letter, who claimed to be your son, and I don’t know if I should tell you, or how he came, since, according to his words, you don’t have any other son. He came to see me and all the other relatives. I would have been pleased to raise him for you, but, the way he presented himself, I cannot believe he is your son, and, therefore, he wasn’t better dressed by me nor by anyone else. And this because we feared we wasn’t your son and that we were being fooled, since this is common in this land, where evil grows, and honorable people run away from everything that may cause them troubles. Sir, he will give you news of what he has seen, he knows a lot of things in general and about everyone’s lives. I want to give you news of my own. Sir, I got married three times, as you must know. I’ve been a widow for about eight years now, living at my son’s house. He treats me with respect. He is very honorable and virtuous and he is just fine. And so is his wife. She has no children and she never gave birth in fifteen years. Her older sister has four children, and the youngest has a boy and a girl, and the oldest has a very handsome son and four daughters. My niece, my sister’s daughter, the youngest, has two daughters and a son. She is a widow of [...] came back to me. I tell you, sir, that I have married my son with my niece without receiving a dowry. And I was a better aunt than my uncle, who, may God forgive him, rejected me as his daughter-in-law and took my cousin’s daughter because of her money and not because of her beauty or discretion or due to any other woman. But, as I say, may God forgive him for having taken my love, which I desired so much that, when I dream of you, and your sisters and the windows of your house, I feel no guilt. When I now dream of the past – and I do dream about it for a few hours – I’m not sad anymore because, as I cannot see all of you in person, I feel happy to see you in dreams, which are sometimes so real that I can see you and talk to you all as before. Love is revived by the past and reminds me, among other things, of the letters you used to write me. I still keep them and I remember one night of [...], on Easter Friday’s eve, running from church to church. As I let go of these memories, I go back to the resentment I feel towards my uncle, as we were both married still. Back on those days, if I had the money I have now, I would have been your wife, even though that meant being half Spanish and Spaniards are low people. In the end, everyone dies, rich or poor, good or bad. And there is no one left other than God and Our Lady Virgin Mary.

Sir, tell your sister, whose name is the same as mine, to have this letter as her own and that I was told she was very beautiful and precious and I was very happy with it. Her husband is very old and overloaded with work, without a mother or a sister. And he has his sister and niece at home, and many demands and little remembrance of her. Never talks about her, not even in dreams. And she has a son she loves, poor woman. I say poor because I feel sorry for her, and may God remember her as well as her sisters, the widows, the young and the dead one, God forgive her. To all of them my best regards and I kiss her hands hundreds of times, as well as to your mother-in-law and your daughters. And God is witness of my distress when I heard about the troubles of your grandson. And there is nothing else to thank God and Our Lady for and pray her to give life to the living to serve God. You mother-in-law must feel the great heartbreak we had by hearing that your son is so disobedient and imposes his will to upset us all. He didn’t get rich and we can’t help him at all. I haven’t seen him for thirty four years and I have no idea how he looks like. He could see me but I couldn’t see him. May God and the Holy Virgin allow me to see him alive and relieved. This I pray to God. And may God rescue him from such much poverty and prevent him from starving. May God remember his boyhood. Sir, through my signed letter you could know the news of my house. And about my servants, all of them died during the plague, eight white and eight black slaves, and all of the other servants at home. And I didn’t feel their deaths as much as I felt your son’s, if he was your son indeed. I don’t know if he left something or what the cause of his death was. I wish he had survived so that you could tell me about you, your relatives, and your mother-in-law: how she is, if she is very old. I really wish her well; I owe her more than to anyone else because she gave me a silver knocker when I got married, and, to the rest of the world, I owe nothing, not even a penny, which makes me glad. Please give her a very tight hug on my behalf, and kiss her hands many times, let her know I am well, thank God, and healthy and with good mood and all of my teeth are white and clean, and I walk straight, as your son can assure you, since he saw me. And he came with silk ornaments, well stitched and hidden and so he found me with my niece, who is very honorable, virtuous and my friend, and she cares for me more than an obedient daughter. My son is very honorable and close to God. They are both so obedient in everything that I feel like a young woman. Please tell this to your mother-in-law, because I know she will be pleased in the same way I am pleased with her well-being. I have no further to say to you nor to your sisters because I don’t know how to talk by letter. I have said what I wanted. I send you a kiss, since God made you so discreet and a scholar. May God give you many years of life in good health to serve Him and Our Lady and all the ladies and children and grandchildren. Amen. I recall that your father-in-law, may God forgive him, was supposed to leave to my father what he left to the person who abandoned him, and if he had done so, he would have it now and he wouldn’t have done the harm he did when he was asked his share. They are now the richest and the most protected. To you, this is enough.

Sir, if you see a woman named Leonor Mendes, who was once my neighbor, let her know that those six hundred reais (1) that she borrowed me were legally taken by her brother-in-law, since he acted as proxy for her and I was unable to take them back and refund her. If she isn’t there or if she is dead, please send this message to her daughter as well as news from everyone.

Written at twelve o’clock in the evening, with tears of will and longing which reach the heart.

(1)(Portuguese old currency)

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Escrever lhe eu tera vosa m por cosa nova eu asi vi cosa nova o portador que dixe ser filho de vm que não sei se vos brade o como veo não tendo vm houtro como ele diz ele me veo a ver e a todas as mais parentas folgara em vos criar por o conhecer bem mas da maneira que ele vem não poso eu crer que e filho e por iso não foi de mim mais agazalhado nem de ninguem e medo de o não ser e seremos ẽguanadas porque o costumão a fazer nesta tera de que vem muitos males e as peçoas homradas fogem de todo aquylo que lhe pode vyr trabalho. Sor ele dara novas a vm do que vyo e sabe mto por ẽtero e das vydas de todos, da minha lhe quero eu dar eu sor casei tres vezes como sabera aguora vay em houto anos que estou viuva em casa de meu filho ele me tem muito homradamẽte e mto homrado e virtuoso e mto bem eista e asi he sua molher não tem filhos nem numqua pario vai quinze anos e suas irmãs tem a mais velha quoatro filhos e a mais moça fylho e fylha e a mais velha tem filho mto frermouso e as quatro filhas a minha soubrinha filha de minha irmã a mais moça tem duas fylhas e fylho esta viuva de poqo tornou a digo sor que eu casei meu filho minha soubrinha e a tomei sem nada e fui eu melhor tya que meu tyo que ds perdõe que por eu ser pobre não me quys por nora e tomou a filha de minha pryma por o dinheiro e não por mais frermosa nem por mais dresquerta nem por mais molher mas ds como digo ds lho perdoe que me tyrou o meu e a quẽ eu tanto quis que quãdo sounho vosa m me não peza nada e as soras suas irmãs e as janelas da sua casa de baxo. que aguora quãdo sounho todo o paçado e agoura sounho algũas horas não sou triste que ja que não vejo vosasmerçes folgo de hos ver por sounhos que mtas vezes me pareçe que os vejo e falo como se foçe asy nisto faz o pacado amor e me lebra ẽtre houtras cosas as cartas que me vm escrevia hymda as tenho e me lebra hũa noite de hemdoenças adando as igregas dexo isto e torno a meu queixume que tenho de meu tio que eu fora hyda casada e vos sor tambem mes o dinhero que eu agora tenho se ẽtam o tevera eu fora mulher de vosa m hymda que era metade castilhano e castilhano gente tam baxa por deradeyro todos avemos de morer asi os riquos como os pobres como as da ma casta como as da boa e não fiqua senão ds e a virgem maria nosa sora Senhor A sora sua irma do meu nome aja esta por sua e que soube como estava mto fermosa e riqua que folgey mto mas que seu espouzo esta mto velho e carreguado de trabalhos e sem mai nem irmã e tem a irmã e soubrinha casa e muitas demadas e pouquo lembramça dela nem falar nela por sonhos e tem filho que adoura esta pobre digo pobre que hey doo dela e que ds se lembre dela e de suas irmas asi as viuvas como a moça e a morta, ds a perdoe a todas minhas ẽcomẽdas e que lhes beijo as mãos mtos cẽtos de vezes a sora sua sougra de vm e as soras suas filhas e que sobede do trabalho de seu neto ds sabe quãto me pezou e não ay mais que dar graças a ds e a nosa sora e roguar lhe que de vida aos vivos pa servir a ds. a sora sougra de vosa m que bem sentira quãto desgosto senteremos as novas d ese filho lhe ser tãmto deshoubidiente e ser feito de sua vontade pa dar nojato a todos ele não fiquou riquo nem nos o poderemos ajudar nada eu a trỹta e quatro anos que o não vi nem sei como e feito ele bem me podia ver a mỹ mas eu a ele não praza a ds e a virgem maria que o veja eu vida e desquaço e asi o rougo eu a ds e que ho tire ds de tanta poubresa e que não mora a fome e que se lẽbre ds de sua moçedade. sor por o meu melhor firmado saberias todas as novas de minha casa e da gente que tinha toda moreo no tempo da peste que foram houto cãtivos braquos e houto negros todos os mais criados casa e não siti tãnto como siti ese que me dixe ser filho se ho e que era morto não sei se deixou algũa cosa nem sei de que moreho não folgara que vivera pa por ele saber de todas vosas merçe e sobre todas saber da sora sua sougra como esta se esta mto velha eu lhe quero mto que a ningem devo eu mais que a ela que me deo hũa albarada de prata quãdo casei e houtrem não devo nada nem valia de meo real e folgo mto vm lhe de abraco por mto apertado e lhe beije as mãos muitas vezes por todas e que lhe dou novas que estou mto bem ds seja louvado e mta saude e mto bem desposta e todos os meos detes mto alvos e lypos e hando mto dereta como dira o filho de vm que bem me vio e dira se e verdade e vem labrado de seda e cosedo e velado que asi me achou minha soubrinha a qual he muito honrada e vertuosa e minha amigua e me quer mto e mais que filha obidemte e asi meu filho he mto honrado e amigo a ds sam me mto obidentes tudo que me fazem ser moça isto digo que diga vm a sora sua sougra porque sei que a de folgar mto asi como eu folgo seu bem não tenho que mais lhe diga nem a vosa merçe nem as soras suas irmãs porque não sei falar por carta o que quiria isto abasta e pa vm seu beijo pois o fez ds tam desquerto e letrado ds lhe de muita vida saude pa servir a ds e a nosa sora e a todas as soras e filhos e netos amẽ lembrame isto que se seu sougro que ds perdoe deixara a meu pai o que deixou a quem o deixou que ele o tevera agoura e não lhe fizera o mal que feze por lhe pedirem o seu eles sam agora hos mais riquos e validos o alheho isto basta pa vosa merçe. Sor hũa liaor medez que foi minha vyzynha se vosa merçe a vir lhe diga que hos seis mil rs que eu tinha seos que seu conhado mos tomou por gestiça por hũa percuraçam que tinha sua e que lhos não pude tirar pa lhos mãdar se ela hi não estever o for morta o escreva ysto a sua filha por me fazer merçe e asi as novas de todos

feyta de noite as doze oras muitas lagrimas de vomtade e saudades grades que cheguã ao coraçam



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