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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1800. Carta de don Mariano de los Ríos Fernández de Córdoba, conde de Gavia la Grande, para su mujer doña María Antonia Godoy, condesa de Valdelagrana.

Autor(es) Mariano de los Ríos Fernández de Córdoba      
Destinatário(s) Maria Antonia de Godoy      
In English

Letter from Mariano de los Ríos Fernández de Córdoba, count of Gavia la Grande, to his wife María Antonia de Godoy, countess of Valdelagrana.

Mariano de los Ríos asks his wife to comply with the Royal Orders regarding the conjugal reunion and to move to the court, where he was living.

In this trial two different aspects converge. In 1808, the count of Gavia la Grande, Mariano de los Ríos Fernández de Córdoba, presented a brief to the King to ask for a return of his rent in order to defray the expenses arisen from his health conditions. These health problems demanded from him to take baths. Besides, he also asked for a four-year moratorium for the payment of his loans during which he would not be bother by his creditors. This situation of economic failure had been dragging on since 1786, when the crown intervened the entailed estates of Gavia la Grande. In addition, there was marital discord between the count of Gavia la Grande and his wife Antonia María de Godoy, countess of Valdelagrana. And despite the countess´ tries to achieve marital gathering in 1787 by calling on the King, she did not get the desirable outcome. This situation repeated again in 1790 and, a few years later, in 1793. Furthermore, on his coming of age (25 years old), the firstborn son of the Counts of Gavia la Grande y Valdelagrana, Diego de los Ríos Godoy, made a request for the crown to allow him to administrate the intervened rent. A few years later some malicious rumours towards his son and wife’s conduct were spread by the count of Gavia la Grande, provably motivated by the aforementioned fact. These rumours had to be proven by the Corregidor of Cordoba, who did not succeed in doing so. In 1800, the houses of Gavia la Grande and Valdelagrana were facing a situation of economic emergency, therefore, the count of Gavia la Grande tried to reconcile with his wife. It was the moment to put behind the marital discord, not really to achieve a conjugal understanding, but to alleviate the financial problems of the two houses. This is the context in which these eleven letters, with the exception of one, are exchanged between the count of Gavia la Grande and the countess of Valdelagrana throughout the years 1800 and 1801. In the letters can be glimpsed the conjugal and family problems, as well as the reasonable attempts to restore cohabitation.

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Mi Estimada Mariquita una epoca de fatales consequencias nos ha traido grabes daños; y pa su remedio quiere S M nra concordia

La union del Matrimonio es indispensable aun quando solo quede la mejor Compañia y amistad entre nosotros.

el estado de Valdegranas sufre en el Consejo un Pleyto de la mayor importancia, qe exije atencion y crecidos gastos, y debes presenciar su exito: La verdad no quiere fuerza, y nros deberes gritan por menos descuido que hasta ahora nos hemos procurado.

A fines de Julio ultimo recivi R Orden para tu venida, y puesto A L P de S M suplique la nueva que te se ha concedido.

Ya ves la precision de acceder a la Orden del Rey, a fin de escusar algun Chasco.

Para tu venida hice presente a S M mi obligacion de Acompañarte, lo que medito segun la escasez, y algun preparativo inescusable mientras que tu estas pronta pa qe mi transito en esa no dilate, respondes a esta, en el concepto de precisarme pasar la tuya a manos de S M, lo que te prevengo pa qe jamas juzgues obro con maxima pa sorprenderte.

ADios, querida Condesa: deseo estes enteramente restablecida de tus achaques, y que mis afectos te sean tan agradables que me traigan la mayor confianza mientras queda tuyo. Mariano. Madrid 14 de Octubre de 1800. PD. Mis hijos Dolores y Diego tendran esta por suya, y no dudo que como tu esten prontos a acompañarme pa qe unida la Familia se logre el mejor establecimiento viviendo con el descanso posible tan propio de nras circunstancias; lo que no solo podra dar jamas sugecion a Diego ni a Dolores (como el mismo Diego sabe) sino que al contrario seran Vms mi voz y mi gusto. Poco cuesta provar aquello mismo que es indispensable executar, y qe en honrra conviene pues verificada la obediencia se executara luego p nosotros de comun acuerdo y conveniencia de todos lo mas acomodado participandolo a S M



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