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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1712. Carta de Andrés Merlo, dependiente en la colecturía del subsidio, para Nicolás Gómez Ramírez, agente de la colecturía del subsidio.

Autor(es) Andrés Merlo      
Destinatário(s) Nicolás Gómez Ramírez      
In English

Letter from Andrés Melo to Nicolás Gómez Ramírez, both tax collectors.

The author expresses his happiness to Nicolás Gómez Ramírez for the proper business progress and the improvements to come regarding his job and he also congratulates him on behalf of Agustina Salgado and his wife. He regrets Nicolás Hernández is not feeling well and the blessed has implied that it must be because he has not followed some of her instructions. He also mentions a cheese commission that he has failed to fulfil.

The trial for fooled and self-delusion against Agustina Salgado, blessed of Our Lady of Carmel, occurred between 1712 and 1716. She was found guilty. The correspondence relates to Nicolás Hernández’s healing process, who suffered from an unknown affection that requested the blessed’s intervention. Agustina Salgado was staying at her nephew’s house, Andrés Merlo, because she was ill and she was found once in a very bad condition «rolled up on herself, very injured, with puzzled arms and broken bones in her body without being able to move [...] word was passed around that an evil spirit had come upon her»(7v). Eugenio González de María, the sender of some of the letters from this set, witnessed one of the moments in which the defendant was under the influence of the devil. Nicolas Hernández heard that Agustina Salgado was a virtuous woman and, before going to her, he inquired Eugenio Aguado about her capabilities (PS8023). Aguado explains him she was a very spiritual woman and, consequently, Nicolás Hernández decided to contact her. He intended for her to entrust him to God and also ask her if it was appropriate for him to marry María Teresa Pezeño. Agustina Salgado told him that the marriage would please God. So they got married in 1712 and ever since they did Nicolás Hernández suffered from an unknown soul affection (127v). Fl.128. Eventually, Nicolás Hernández denounced Agustina through Manuel Garzo and the defendant tried to convince Nicolás Hernández to leave the businesses in which his agent, Nicolás Gómez Ramírez, was working so that he did not get sick as it happened to himself. It seems that the ulterior motive behind her demands was to pass these businesses to her relatives. On the left margin of folio 179r the inquisitors wrote down "12ª". Besides, there is a mark covering the text in which the blessed is mentioned. The letters are provided to the process by their addressees.

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Amigo y Sr he celebrado con mucho gusto la provision de la Colecturia en Vmd como tan Ynteresado en sus combenienzias de que doi a Vmd repetidas enorabuenas deseandolo sea escalon para mayores empleos Como lo merezen sus prendas y abilidad notizieselo a la tia y a mi Parienta se an alegrado mucho y le dan mill Parabienes Con muchas memorias y que se las de Vmd a su Sa Parienta

Siento la Yndisposon del amo Dn Nicolas aunque espero en Dios le a de servir de mucho alivio si bien por Yndirectas me ha dado a entender la tia le falta que execute alguna Cosa de las que le previno y Yo creo que asta que Cumpla exactamte Con todo no a de estar perfectamte bueno.

Remito la provision que se pide de toledo que tenia en mi poder Considerando la avian de pedir

El Ldo Dn Eugo me dixo le avia escrito Vmd hiziese Yo la diliga de buscar diez o doze as de queso lo qual no ai en esta villa porque todos los ganaderos tienen ya sus Parrochianos

La zeva se ha empezado a segar esta tarde es qto se me ofrece prevenir y avisar a Vmd Cuia vida gde Dios ms as Algete y Junio 22 de 1712

tuus ex corde Andres Merlo Amigo y Sr Dn Nicolas Gomez

El lizdo Gallego B L M de vmd y le da la enoravuena; de sus progresos y desea lo mande

Serbor y capan Lizdo Gallego



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