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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1795. Carta de Domingos Vandelli, diretor do Real Jardim Botânico, para Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, diplomata.

Autor(es) Domingos Vandelli      
Destinatário(s) João de Almeida de Melo e Castro      
In English

Letter from DomingosVandelli, the Director of Lisbon's Royal Botanical Garden, to Dom João de Almeida de Melo e Castro, the Portuguese plenipotentiary minister in London.

The author notifies the addressee that he is sending new seeds to him since he learned that he had not received the first ones. He also asks for plants and chemistry instruments to be sent from England and intended for the Lisbon Royal Botanical Garden.

Biography of Vandelli from Wikipedia, based on Jorge Guimarães, «Vandelli, Domenico, 1735-1816», Biblioteca Digital de Botânica, «Domenico Agostino Vandelli (Padua, 8 July 1735 – Lisbon, 27 June 1816) was an Italian naturalist, who did most of his scientific work in Portugal. He studied at the University of Padua, from which he received a doctorate in Natural Philosophy and Medicine in 1756. While active as naturalist in Italy he began a correspondence with the Swedish naturalist Carl von Linné, which continued for several years. In 1763 he was invited by Catherine the Great of Russia to join the faculty of the University of St. Petersburg, but he declined. In 1764 Vandelli moved to Portugal, where in 1765 he was appointed lecturer in chemistry and natural sciences at the University of Coimbra. He was the first supervisor for the orientation of the Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra, being followed in 1791 by Félix Avelar Brotero. One of the major works he published was the Tractatus de thermis agri patavini in 1761. Around 1793 he became the first director of the Botanical Gardens at the Palácio da Ajuda in Lisbon. He was one of the mentors of the Sciences Academy of Lisbon. In the field of herpetology he is best known for having described the world's largest living turtle, the leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).

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Illmo e Exmo Senhor

Logo q sube V exa não ter reçebida a primeira remessa da semte da serradela, q pelo Paquette remetti huma caixa della; e o conheçimto da primeira. Agora receberá o conhemto de hum moio della. O exmo Snr Luiz Pinto manderà a V exa hum rol de plantas, e de instrumentos chymicos, q se precizão pa este R Jardim Botanico; peço o favor a V exa de remetter as semtes com a brevidade possivel. Tendo eu entanto a honra de ser

De V exa Lxa 26 de 8o de 1795 Umilmo Obo Cro e Ao Domingos Vandelli



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