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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1549. Tradução de carta familiar de Estêvão de Torres, joalheiro e lapidário francês, para a mulher, Ana, "A Castelhana".

Autor(es) Estêvão de Torres      
Destinatário(s) Ana, "A Castelhana"      
In English

Instructions letter, sent from Estêvão de Torres, jeweler and stone cutter, to his wife, Ana the Castilian.

The author tells his wife to try and discover who said that he was seen eaiting meat ‒ rabbit and pork ‒ during Lent and that he had guests doing the same.

There are three letters in French and their Portuguese translations in the Inquisition proceedings against Estêvão Torres, a French jeweler and stone cutter from Tours. He himself dictated the translations to the notary when he was interrogated. Estêvão Torres was living in Portugal for ten years when in 1549 he was arrested under the accusations of eating meat during Lent and other forbidden days and of having a heretical discourse. He escaped with other prisoners and went free for two days because he traded a box for a cape from a Castilian he met. He was then rearrested. From prison, he wrote these three letters to Ana his Castilian wife: PSCR1149, PSCR1150, PSCR1151.

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

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Ana eu vos Rogo q pgumteis quem são aqles q me vyerão A culpar Aos imquisydores e lhe pgumtay o q diserão de mỹ na vdade pq elles me mostrarão hũu lybelo todo novo no ql ha nove ou dez tas contra mỹ As qes dizem cousas q jaamais eu pemsey nem sonhey eu sey quem he vymdo A dizer q eu comy de hũua lebre pgumtay A Xo ou A charles de lecery e mo mãday dizer e q||que dizem pa q eu diga sy ou não eu não sey quem dise q eu comya de hũu lombo de pco na coresma comigo e q todos os dias eu tinha jemte A comer comigo da carne e dise q eu estava doente mas q Amdava em pee eu creo bem q hos Imquisydores lancarão mais do q he pa v o q eu dirya eu sey quem foy o q falou da lebre e querya o saber pa q diga sy ou não hos ourivez me diserão q falarão de lebre eu vos Rogo q me mandeis a Respta pa saber.



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