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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1554. Carta de Rodrigo Suárez de Castro, alférez, para un destinatario no identificado.

Autor(es) Rodrigo Suárez de Castro      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo498      
In English

Letter from Rodrigo Suárez de Castro, an ensign, to an unidentified addressee.

The author demands from an unidentified addressee the payment of a debt.

This lawsuit was about the subdivision of the properties left by Gregorio de Reino Mariño y Sotomayor after his death. The litigants were Isabel Álvarez Bermúdez de Castro y Aldao and Pedro Bermúdez de Castro Reino y Aldao (widow and son of the deceased) on one side, and Fructuoso Gallos, as the guardian of Rodrigo Gómez de Aldao, on the other side. The documents are dated from 1557 to 1558. Pedro Bermúdez de Castro Reino y Aldao presented to the tribunal five letters, in order to demonstrate that his brother, Rodrigo Suárez de Castro, an ensign of the military government of the reign of Galicia, used 'de Castro' as his second surname, and not 'Reino'. We do not know precisely why he wanted to demonstrate this fact, but we can suppose that, being his a very extended family, with a lot of ramifications, Pedro Bermúdez de Castro wanted to demonstrate that Rodrigo was actually his brother and not another member of the family. Rodrigo had already died in 1557, and Pedro probably wanted to avoid any confusion. We do not know much about Rodrigo Gómez de Aldao, and why he had any right to participate in the subdivision.

The addressee of one of the letter, PS6114, is unknown. The addressee of the other letters was the mother of the author, Isabel Álvarez Bermúdez de Castro y Aldao.

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a lo que me mandare Ro suarez de castro



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