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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1685. Carta de de Eugenio Robledo, presbítero, para su sobrino Gabriel de Soria, estudiante.

Autor(es) Eugenio de Robledo      
Destinatário(s) Gabriel de Soria      
In English

Letter from Eugenio Robledo, a priest, to his nephew Gabriel de Soria, a student.

The author writes his nephew to give him various news and to tell him that he is trying to help him in every possible way.

Gabriel de Soria, son of Ambrosio de Soria, was accused of having insulted and wounded a 'familiar' of the Holy Office, Juan García Gascón. Ambrosio de Soria was implicated in the accusation, too. They were arrested, but Gabriel managed to escape, although he was soon found and imprisoned again. The families of Juan García Gascón and Gabriel de Soria had been friends for many years. When Gabriel had had an affair with a girl, Juan had helped him to resolve the situation without having to get married. Later, Juan had received a loan from the Soria family, which he had not repaid. When the Sorias demanded the money from him, he threatened them with revealing the story of the affair of Gabriel. This was the beginning of the enmity between the two families. When the nine-years-old son of Juan insulted Gabriel, this started a fight in which was involved also Gabriel's father. Eventually, Gabriel de Soria was sentenced to four years of imprisonment in Orán and eight years of banishment. These letters were seized when Gabriel was searched after he had been arrested for the second time.

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gabriel de soria

el que esta lleba es un amigo que se ara la diligençia como si yo fuera yo desde que te fuiste no me e debantdo de la cama asta oy que ya a querido Dios megore de mi achaque y yo ando por tiera abisame si yo puedo acer alguna cosa para que la aga que meneandonos nos aprobechara que si yo ubiera andado por siera ubiera echo alguna diligencia el ama y santiago te enbia muchas encomiendas y sienpre estaremos con cuidado asta saber como nos emos de gobernar abisame lo que te se ofrece y sea con diligencia que cada dia ba el ordinario a se ciuuda y segun me parece ay de ocana a esa ciudad dos mil leguas no dexes de escribirme el estado del negocio y abisame lo que se ofrece guardete dios largos años de ocaña y abril 15 de 1685 anos

tu tio Eugenio de Robledo



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