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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1692. Carta de Rui Gomes Raposo, vigário, para António Ferreira Baião, prior e comissário do Santo Ofício.

Autor(es) Rui Gomes Raposo      
Destinatário(s) António Ferreira Baião      
In English

Private letter from Rui Gomes Raposo, vicar, to António Ferreira Baião, prior and commissioner of the Inquisition.

The author tells the recipient how a bigamist escaped from prison.

The defendant in this process is António Francisco, also known as António Rodrigues, born in Sirol (Leiria), who then lived in Azinhaga (Santarém). He was 50 years old at the time he was accused of bigamy: he married Maria Monteiro while his first wife, Catarina Francisco, was still alive. It was his second wife who denounced him to the Inquisition, and the three letters included in his file tell about his crime and his escape from prison. Although he alleged he did not know that his first wife was still alive, he was later condemned to be publicly flogged and to row in the galleys for seven years, among other penances.

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Sor Meu estimei mto as novas de Vm e q tenha Vm sempre a sau-de q lhe desejo.

Este prezo por me dizerem era suspeito de fuga o prendi, e emcom-endei muito tivese o Alcaide cuidado delle; dia dos Apostolos S Simão fugio da Cadeia por sima q he forrado de tabuado e deitouse da janella abaixo sinal de ter cometido o delito e me pareseo asertado dar conta a Vm; e se ouver alguã cousa de seu serviso q fasa não faltarei como devo a quem noso sor gde hoje 30 de Outubro de 692

Amo e Cr de vm Ruy Gomes Raposo



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