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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1820. Cópia de carta de Anselmo Pereira de Lucena, capitão comandante, para Zacarias Maria Bessane, comerciante.

Autor(es) Anselmo Pereira de Lucena      
Destinatário(s) Zacarias Maria Bessane      
In English

Request letter from Anselmo Pereira de Lucena, a navy captain, to Zacarias Maria Bessane, a trader.

The author asks the addressee to pay a sum to a third party, the notary João Gualberto da Silva Albuquerque.

The former judge of Olinda, Venâncio Bernardino de Ochoa was accused of several crimes: politically he was anti-constitutional; civilly, he was a bad judge who abused his powers; morally, he was a dishonest person, who played with the prices of cotton and slaves in order to make profit in illegal ways. He was arrested together with his notary, João Gualberto da Silva, but both defendants were later acquitted and released.

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Page 55r

Illustrissimo Senhor Zacarias Maria Bessane Ao Senhor João Gualberto da Silva Albuquerque me fara Vossa mercê o favor dár cento e cincoenta mil reis, cuja quantia levarei em conta em ajuste de nossas contas. Estimo logre saude. Deos Guarde felismente. Espera o primeiro de Março de mil octocentos e vinte De Vossa mercê Attento Servo amigo e obrigado Ancelmo Pereira de Lucena

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