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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1670-1679]. Carta não autógrafa de Domingas de Araújo para o seu cunhado Manuel de Araújo, padre.

Autor(es) Domingas de Araújo      
Destinatário(s) Manuel de Araújo      
In English

Family letter, dictated, from Domingas de Araújo to her brother-in-law Manuel de Araújo, priest.

The author complains to her brother-in-law, Manuel de Araújo, that she was expelled from the church, and asks him for some sugar or sardines.

This letter is included in the process of Domingas de Araújo, accused of bigamy. Her first husband, António de Araújo, had been in Brazil for around 19 years and, in spite of the husband's brother, a priest named Manuel de Araújo, telling her that António had written to him, which proved he was still alive, she alleged that she got no letters from him and that this made her believe he was dead. She also alleged that she only decided to marry again following the pressure of some family members. The second husband was Francisco Afonso, known as "the Nobleman". In the meantime, the first husband returned to Portugal, he forgave her and she went back to live with him. Although the court ended up declaring her innocence, she had to assume all the process expenses.

«Brother-in-law. I hope these few lines will find you in perfect health, in the company of my sister-in-law. I grieve the death of my mother-in-law, I'm sick and the girl is still sick in bed. The first time I went to church, they threw me out because of António de Araújo's expenses. I replied that I was waiting for him to decide what to write on my certificate. Decide what's your opinion on the matter. Please, write to the graduate Francisco Teixeira and ask him to wait a little longer: in the meantime God may bring us good news. I'm spending money to give a tutor to the child, as orphan's justice requests. Send me sixteen pounds of sugar, or, if it's not possible, send me two "tostões" [old Portuguese coins] of sardines to the women in the Oblates. I'll wait for your answer, I was supposed to go there but I'm not ready yet. I won't bother you any longer. From this captive sister-in-law, Domingas de Araújo. From Castro»

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Sor Cunhado estimarei mto que estas duas regras ache a vm con perfeita saude en conpanhia de minha cunhada pezandome da morte de minha sogra eu doente e menina ainda esta de cama a permieira ves q fui a misa logo me avitarão pera fora da igra pelos gastos de antonio de araujo eu respondilhe esperava por ele me responder o q me daria sertidão veja vm o que responde nisto vm escerva o leseado frço teixeira q espere mais algũ tenpo e pera ver se nos tras deos algũo novas boas eu fazendo os gastos entende a justiza dos orfos pera dar titor a mosa mandeme aratele de asucar se não houver remede mandarame dous testois de sardinhas pera as molheres das obardas eu pero por resposta de vm que eu uovera de ir la mas não estuo aninda pa o camiho con isto não enfado a vm desta cativa cunhada domingas d eraujo do crasto

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