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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1762. Carta de Pedro de Bentura de Vez, cura párroco, para Fernando Antonio de Torres.

Autor(es) Pedro Bentura de Vez      
Destinatário(s) Fernando Antonio de Torres      
In English

Letter from Pedro de Bentura de Vez, a parish priest, to Fernando Antonio de Torres.

The author, a priest from the parish of Fernán-Caballero, writes to Fernando Antonio de Torres to inform him about the situation of several couples of the village because of Antonio Romero´s wife entanglements.

Antonio Romero was accused by the Holy Office of obstructing justice and in between 1764 and 1765, he was admonished for the aforementioned offence. He was accused of threatening various witnesses in a pendent case against his wife, Gregoria Ruiz, who was accused of heretic and injurious behaviour and of being a sorceress and a healer. Antonio looked for the witnesses and urged them to tell him what they had declared. He also asked them to favour her in their statements. This letter is provided by the addressee, Fernando Antonio de Torres, as an evidence to the case.

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Page 13r-v > 15v

fernancav novie 25 de 1762

Muy Sr mio y de mi maior estimon me alegrare q Vm lo pase alibiado de sus dolencias, yo de qualqer modo sempre para servirlo con verdo afo

me retire de la Porzuna en la q estuve solos 5 dias sien-do dependa de mes y mo a causa de averme dado alli dos calentas a tercia-na y no quise empezar otra, he conse-guido del consejo que remuevan el cometido a otro, este no se quien sera.

devo dezir a Vm que en quanto a dha consavida de este Pueblo, va miserando de todos modos sus enrredos, viendo q no se hace de ella nada. De buelt a la Porzuna me hallo con tres casas mui inquietas que antes tenian mucha Paz como todos unos y entarados con matri-monios, y de estos uno en mucho peli-gro de un divorcio y de aver muerto un marido a su consorte; y aunq yo he estado el mas tiempo malo, he procurado y conseguido apagar este incendio por aora

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