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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1777. Carta de María Joaquina de la Santísima Trinidad, monja, para Joseph Pérez, franciscano.

Autor(es) María Joaquina de la Santísima Trinidad      
Destinatário(s) Joseph Pérez      
In English

Letter from María Joaquina de la Santísima Trinidad, a nun, to Joseph Pérez, a Franciscan.

The author writes to Joseph Pérez to express her disappointment for his behaviour and to reprimand him for it. Likewise, she states in several occasions that she would prefer not having met him.

María Joaquina de la Santísima Trinidad was a nun in the convent of Nuestra Señora del Rosal (Priego, Cuenca). Joseph Pérez, a Franciscan priest, spent there one year and a half in order to administrate the revenues of the convent. During that period, the nun went to confession with him. At the beginning she said it had been a year and a half without confessing because she was not at peace with herself. She also said, according to Joseph Pérez´s statement, that she did not want to go to confession with him, but to befriend him instead. Joseph managed for her to confess and she told him she had been accosted for solicitation years ago as well as other sins that were upsetting her. After the first confession, she kept going regularly, twice per week, and told the Franciscan priest she was having impure thoughts and other acts she did not considered sin. According to Joseph Pérez, he always tried to persuade her from it and he never denounced her to the Holy Office because he thought he could help her through the sacrament of penance. Once Joseph left the convent, he started receiving indecent letters from the nun. These letters were the reason why Joseph Pérez sent a letter to de Holy Office denouncing himself, in case he had committed any sin for not knowing how to react. Some of the letters he received from the nun were burnt and other were provided to the trial documentation. On the other hand, María Joaquina also wrote a self-incrimination letter to the Holy Office in which she also accused Joseph Pérez and Thomás de la Serna of soliciting her. This last letter gives rise to the trial. During the interrogations, María Joaquina stated that it was Joseph Pérez who used to talk indecently to her before or after the confession and he told her he had dreamt of her. Eventually, the trial led to Joseph Francisco´s acquittal.

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J M y Josef

Pe fray Josef, deseando, como deseo, el retiro de todo, lo criado y a vivir, con mas cuida-do de mi Alma qe lo que asta, haora he vi-vido, me obliga, este, reconocimiento, que Dios Misericordiosamente, me, a dado, a de-cirle a Vmd que no tiene ya que acer qta de mi Para, nada, ni acer siquiera acor-darse, Por lo que quisiera, no aberlo, cono-cido, pues me a dejado, bastante, por que, llorar Dios se lo perdone y le de verdadero, conoci-miento, de los, daños, que a si propio se ha e-cho, y me a hocasionado, y de el mucho tiem-po que me a echo, perder, bien, puede, mirar por su Alma, y reflexione, su mala, vida. bien puede, mirar, con, cuidado, sus cos-tumbres, y de lo mal que a cumplido, con sus obligaciones, no tan solamente; a cumplido mal, sino que, por su mala, conducta, me a arrastrado, a una total, ruina, si Dios mi-sericordiosamente, no me hubiera, dado, sus ausilios, para, reparar, sus ruinas, con su poco, temor de Dios. No tiene que escrivirme una letra, porque si lo ace lo mismo, a de ser llegar, a mis Manos, que hecharla, a el fuego, cosa de benir por aqui, no tiene que pensar o si por, ocurrir, alguna, cosa biniese, no me vera, ni ablara, ojala no lo hubiera conocido, que arta quenta, me hubiera tenido! la Perdiz que me embió la maté, y todas las cosas, que tenía suyas las he desterrado, de mi vista, las Medias que tengo suyas se las embia-re al Punto que aya ocasión. Dios le de luz y conocimiento, para seguir a Dios, a quien se lo pido muy de veras. El Rosal y Abril 8 de 1777

quien su bien desea Maria Joaquina

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