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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1816. Carta de fray Rafael de Almagro, franciscano descalzo, para Josefa Márquez.

Autor(es) Rafael de Almagro      
Destinatário(s) Josefa Márquez      
In English

Letter from Fray Rafael de Almagro, a bearfoot Franciscan, to Josefa Márquez.

The author writes to Josefa Márquez trying to convince her to give away the person who pushed her to be wrong in matters of faith and for her to avoid the Holy Office’s conviction.

The trial was opened for scandalous words against Josefa Márquez in 1816, at the end of which she was acquitted. Josefa Márquez declared extra confessionem to her spiritual director, Fray Rafael de Almagro, that a military officer told her that there was no hell and she believed it. The whole situation was unleashed because Josefa and her husband were having marital discord. She wanted to move out from the house they were living in because two people had passed away from contagious diseases. She threatened her husband to poison his food and run away. (fl. [2]r). Fray Rafael mediated to try to help the marriage and in one of his visits to Josefa she told him that her husband found out she was preparing to flee and he prevented her from doing it. It was in those circumstances when she met the military officer. Josefa made acquaintance with this military officer around 1815 when he was staying at her parent’s house and it was back then when she told him about her troubles with her husband. The officer promised to defend her and told her there was no hell, he said that “hell is here among us, or among men” (fl. [2]r). Fray Rafael de Almagro tried to give her some advice and guide her, and taking advantage that her husband was traveling, he wrote her a letter. He also made a copy of the letter and sent it to a Holy Office’s Officer. A few days later Josefa reprimanded him for having done so and told him she had burnt the letter. Eventually, Josefa gave the name of the military officer, who was Antonio Blesa, a member of the cavalry regiment of Navarra.

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Page [7]r

Torralva y Octubre 11 de 1816

Señora Josefa Marquez: penetrado mi corazon del mas vivo dolor, al ver el desapego, desamor, y desprecio con qe fui recibido en la ma-ñana del dia nueve del corriente mes, y la poca o ninguna impresion que le hicieron mis razones en asuntos de importancia pa la salvacion de su alma y su bienestar, paso a hacerle presente esta mi carta, dimanada de la interior caridad christiana qe reyna en mi, pa cum-plir con los altos y santos deberes de Sacerdote y Padre Espiritual, deseo-so de su verdadera felicidad, cuyas pruebas tiene Vmd nada equivocas, debo decirle, qe considere en su interior desnuda de toda pasion las ra-zones qe me dixo en su sala delante de la Ymagen de Maria Santisima Dolorosa; y asi sosegada vea, si aquellas razones fueron arregladas a la Ley santa e inmaculada de Dios, y si fueron bien dichas a un Ministro del Altisimo, qe con un puro zelo trabaja incansablemente en benefi-cio de su alma, como Vmd tiene experimentado. Viendo unas señales tan indubitables del calamitoso estado su alma, estoy traspasado de pe-sadumbre sin tener sosigo dia y noche, considerando las terribles desgra-cias qe va a experimentar segun la severidad y rigor de la divina justi-cia, si no trata de dar pasos pa su enmienda: pues aunqe Dios es mi-sericordioso pa los pecadores reconocidos y convertidos, tambien es terri-ble y rigurosamente justiciero pa los pecadores obstinados y reveldes. Es-to nos enseña la fe qe hemos profesado en el bautismo; de lo qe quie-ro se penetre su corazon pa el bien de su alma. Y asi si no quiere hoir mis amonestaciones y consejos qe hasta aqui le he dado ,y le daré en lo sucesivo, sin cansarme, ni desistir, me enviara a decir, qe no vuelva a poner los pies en su casa; de lo qe espero respuesta sin perdida de cor-reo. Dios quiera qe esta carta halle a Vmd en mejor disposicion qe yo la hallé, y haga el fruto qe deseo, como Ministro de Jesuchristo, qe es la santificacion y salvacion de su alma. Fr Rafael de Almagro

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