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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1782]. Billete de Francisco Belitas para Francisco Arroyo.

Autor(es) Francisco Belitas      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Arroyo      
In English

Note from Francisco Belitas to Francisco Arroyo.

The author writes to Francisco Arroyo warning him about a possible visit from Leonarda Huete, one of the defendants, to her nephew who is ill.

Between 1782 and 1784, a trial was opened for witchcraft against two sisters: Leonarda and Francisca Huete, also known as “las pelonas” (the bold ones), however, the proceeding ended up being suspended. Leonarda and Francisca Huete were accused of carrying out superstitious healings and spells in the village of Ajofrín, where they went to heal several people, Ulpiano Aguirre among them. Francisco Arroyo, Ulpiano’s uncle, was inquired about these two women and he provided the note he was given by Francisco Belitas, a neighbor from Navahermosa. Francisco Belitas was meant to contact the sisters for them to come and heal Francisco Arroyo’s nephew.

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Page [39]r

Señor francisco llege sin novedad y al istate lo puse por diligencia el estar con Lonarda la que a echo el animo pasar a esa villa a ver a ese moco segun el ynforme que yo la e cho y que quiere ver en el estado que esta a ver si puede poner algun remedio que ara todo lo posivle qe si no poco avra perdido no a podido yr el Lunes por no aver sujeto con quien yr asta qe mi cuñado a venido con las Libras ni se a encontrado cavallerida asta oi y con esto ceso y no de Rogar a Dios les mantengan con Salu a ustes y Dios quiera el allar remedio a su sovino de ustes

Señor francisco Belitas

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