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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1623]. Carta de doña Jerónima de Camargo para don Francisco de Cepeda.

Autor(es) Jerónima de Camargo      
Destinatário(s) Francisco de Cepeda      
In English

Letter from Jerónima de Camargo to Francisco de Cepeda.

The author express her deep love to her lover, her unhappiness for her marriage, and his desire to see her lover soon.

In 1623, a secret lawsuit was brought against Pedro Vélez de Guevara, husband of Jerónima de Camargo, for having tried to assassinate his wife's lover, Francisco de Cepeda, after having found a letter that his wife had just written to her lover. While he was reading the letter, his wife took shelter in a convent. He then went to Viana, where he tricked Francisco de Cepeda out of his house, and, from a hideout, shot him with a harquebus. He then tried to finish him off with a sword and a hunting knife, but the cries of Francisco de Cepeda alerted his neighbours, who came to help him. When interrogated, Pedro Vélez revealed the suspects he already had about his wife before reading the letter. He had also spoke about the matter with his confessor, who had advised him to be prudent. He had listened to this advice, for the good of their three sons and for the noble kinship of his wife. However, in 1622 Francisco de Cepeda had been prohibited to go to Valladolid and to his lover's house, because, although he was a relative of Pedro Vélez, he was already suspected to maintain a relationship with Jerónima de Camargo, and the mother of Pedro Vélez had discovered that he had stayed in the house of his son while this was absent. For all these reasons, also Francisco de Cepeda was imprisoned, because he had violated his banishment. He was soon freed from prison because of his wounds, but his banishment from Valladolid was confirmed.

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primo qrido de mi alma y mi dueño y todo mi contento sabe dios el q e tenido con tu carta y saber de tu salud aunq tu melancolia siento de manera q quisiera yrme por esos caminos a berte qrido mio pareces muy ausente en el papel de ayer y aun casi en el d ooy y culpote supuesto q me conoces y q sabes lo mucho q te quiero y q no a llegado jamas a lo q oy y q no tengo mas bida q la q tu quieres q tenga porq de ti depende sin duda pues de la q paso sin ti m estoy espantando segun mi pena y lo mucho q pierdo en perderte un ystante y asi mi primo y mi bien es mil ynfiernos para mi todo lo q no eres tu cuanto mas quien ay tantas raçones de aborreçerle como lo ago yo y eso mismo q por tantas causas es mas d estimar q lo encubra aora algo por ti y por no perderte del todo y sabe dios q es martirio berle cuanto mas acariçialle no le beso ni puedo y un dia le able bien y ia oy e dado con ello al traste q no q no sale del alma poco dura y asi oy esta de muy mal umor y io de peor sin aber cosa nueba mas de cansarme yo y ber mi enemino y no ber a mi dueño y la ora de acostar es desesperaçion si bien no a llegado a lo mas porq yo e tenido q basta por estorbo y porq lo sea e dicho yo q dura mucho ojos mios no te me l analiçe este diablo q si como es lo q sabes fuera la misma perfeçion no le mirara con gusto jamas teniendote yo por dueño y bien mio y asi cesen melancolias q yo para alibiarme de muchas basta ber una letra tuya y tus cariçias si bien me las as çerçenado mucho ayer y oy cuando mas es menester oyr fineças y amor para poder pasar sin berte con algun alibio y sabe dios cual yo estoy sin ti y lo q deseo berte ojos mios pero es menester asentar el animo d este enemigo y luego daremos orden en donde y como gaspar de san pedro no esta aqui ni jaçinto y asi en biendo como ba este diablo nos beremos q tu coño lo desea arto y lo a mucho menester pero alma mia por sosegar la cosas

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