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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1658. Carta no autógrafa de José Manrique y Aguayo para Alonso Ruiz de la Portilla.

Autor(es) José Manrique y Aguayo      
Destinatário(s) Alonso Ruiz de la Portilla      
In English

Unsigned letter sent by José Manrique y Aguayo to Alonso Ruiz de la Portilla.

José Manrique y Aguayo writes Alonso Ruiz de la Portilla, his majordome, to give him assignments and to inform him that he has sent him another, less dangerous, letter.

On the 5th of June, 1658, José Manrique and Aguayo, marquis of Santaella, left the city of Cordoba and went towards Écija, accompanied by Alonso Vélez de Guevara, son of the Chief Magistrate of Cordoba and administrator of the estate of the Marquis. There, he took Isabel Galindo out of the convent where she lived as a student, because he wanted to marry her. However, the marquis, who was seventeen years old, could not marry without the consent of his family and of the Council of Castile. For this reason, Juan Antonio de Heredia, public prosecutor of the Chancellery of Granada, was ordered to investigate the case. He tried to determine the guilt of the marquis, but also if there had been the complicity of other people. The people accused of complicity were Juan Vélez de Guevara, the aforementioned Chief Magistrate of Córdoba, and Alonso Vélez de Guevara, who was married with a sister of Isabel Galindo. They were accused of being informed of the plot of the marquis, and of having interest in becoming relatives with the marquis. Other people accused were Alonso Ruiz de la Portilla, tutor of the marquis, Baltasar Galindo and Francisco Manrique de Ayala. Eventually, nobody of the accused was sentenced, if not to pay fines. Many letters were joined to the proceedings, from which it is possible to read about the episode and the reactions it provoked in the family of the marquis.

This letter and the letter PS5073 were joined to the proceedings because Alonso Ruiz de Portilla had received them while he was imprisoned in Cordoba waiting for the process, and they had been brought by a one-eyed man who claimed to be a mail officer. The public prosecutor opened and read them, and decided to join them to the proceedings.

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escribo a vmd otra como vmd bera i no trato en ella de algunas cosas por lo q refiero vmd que es si el sr don ju gustare de enbiarla al Consego no aia en ella cosa que le pueda enbarazar ai Remito a vmd Respuesta de la Carta que escribio a mi prima en quanto lo que vmd me dise de la mesa bendala vmd Por lo que quisiere y Remitame vmd luego al punto lo que dieren por ella q aunq es una cosa tan tenua no ara daños de Ropa Blanca me alle mal Parado y asi vmd haga con el sr adelantado me mande haser alguna y si no gustare de aserlo puede vmd con lo que dieren por la Mesa conBertirlo en eso y que ssea mui Buena q vmd teniendo las monjas de su pare y monjas q lo son tan de la mia no dudo de que bendra mui Buena Camisas de Canbrai i aga vmd buscar mui buenas puntas i grandes para las Balonas d ellas i para las Bueltas y que las bueltas sean sin lienço sino de las Puntas solas. aga vmd q lleben esa Carta a Ju de Cea que en ella le doi a ntender quien es pero poco ai que dar a ntender en eso quando sus obras lo disen Al fin cada qual no puede dar mas que aquello q tiene y el es tal ni aun contigo mismo oBra bien Pues no saBe entenderse ni conose

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