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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1829]. Carta de un autor no identificado para José Moro, preso.

Autor(es) Anónimo31      
Destinatário(s) José Moro      
In English

Letter ad unidentified author to José Moro, prisoner.

The author writes José Moro demanding satisfaction and complaining about his conduct.

José Moro, a Spanish prisoner in the jail of Belém, Lisbon, was found with some papers and eleven counterfeit lead coins. Among the papers, hidden in the clothes of the prisoner, the warden found a book full of counts, drawings, letters and notes. Testifying about the reasons of his detention, the accused declared he had been arrested after the order of the Intendant to arrest every Spanish person, in the 7th of June 1828 (PS6024).

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Page 27v > 27r

Tiene Ud todavia valor pa quejarse de un hombre que ha echo por Ud mas que lo que podia, que preescindiendo de lo pasado y contando solo con los sacrificios echos en Lisboa quando me hallava en la ultima miseria no tenian recompensa; tienes valor pa contar á cierta persona una confianza que hice de ti en razon de tus muchas preguntas y no contento con esto decir á M.

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