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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1695. Carta atribuida a Diego Gallardo, pero firmada con el nombre de Gerónima Gallardo y Heredia, para José Ocaña, cura.

Autor(es) Diego Gallardo      
Destinatário(s) José Ocaña      
In English

Letter attributed to Diego Gallardo, but signed with the name of Gerónima Gallardo y Heredia, to José Ocaña, a priest.

The author asks José Ocaña to help his nephew with the alms of the Mass.

In 1695, Diego Gallardo was accused of being an intruder, because he had celebrated Mass in Honrubia (Cuenca) without being ordained. The letter was delivered by the author to the house of the addressee, but it is signed with the name of Gerónima Gallardo, who seems to be the aunt of the author, who wrote the letter cheating his relatives. Diego Gallardo was eventually found guilty.

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