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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1822]. Carta de Francisco de Alpoim e Meneses, negociante, para Francisco António Borba, [seu solicitador].

Autor(es) Francisco de Alpoim e Meneses      
Destinatário(s) Francisco António Borba      
In English

Apology letter from Luís do Rego Barreto, the former governor of Pernambuco, to José da Silva Carvalho, the secretary of justice.

The author apologizes for not accepting the role of spy that the addressee had suggested him in a former letter. He nevertheless suggests the right man to play such role so that the conspiracy against the liberal cabinet will be stopped in time.

In 1822, in the aftermath of the liberal revolution in Portugal, the suspects of a counter-revolutionary coup were prosecuted by the Royal justice. The official version of the coup was described in the 'Diário do Governo' (Cabinet Journal) as the act of «evil anarchists and ambitious conspirators who wanted no less than barbarically cover with blood our happy Regeneration, put our Homeland in mourning, depose the King and take down the House of Deputies ('Cortes')». Five suspects were immediately arrested: Francisco de Alpoim e Meneses, a businessman, Januário da Costa Neves, a knight of the Order of Christ, officer of the Military Ministry of the Army, Manuel Ferreira, a footman, and João Rodrigues da Costa Simões, an apprentice printer.

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Sr Francisco Anto Borba

Meu prezado amo do coração, Rce a sua de 22, e vejo o q me diz respto ao recebimto dos embargos; e cada vez me capacito mais q qto pior he um homem, e mais malvado, mais tem qm o proteja. Agora veja se abrevia a resposta aos embargos e antes de hirem concluzos ao ministro, avizeme pa eu escrever pa Guimes a ma prima, a Sra D Ma Leonor, pa ella se interessar no bom exito; porq mtas vezes se me offereceu pa isso. Brevemte chegará ahi uma ordem do Ministro das Justiças, ao Juiz do Crime dessa cide pa tomar conhecimto do insulto q esse malvado de meu irmão lhe foi fazer a sua caza. Eu quero levar esta cauza adiante infalivelmte; portanto, p he percizo no depoimto das testemunhas calmalo bem; porq no Requerimto q eu fiz a Sua Magestade, aponto tãobem o

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