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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1823. Carta de Cândido de Almeida Sandoval, publicista, para Simão da Silva Ferraz de Lima e Castro, Intendente Geral da Polícia.

Autor(es) Cândido de Almeida Sandoval      
Destinatário(s) Simão da Silva Ferraz de Lima e Castro      
In English

Request letter from Cândido de Almeida Sandoval, a journalist who had been arrested, to Simão da Silva Ferraz de Lima e Castro, General Police Superintendent.

The author asks the addressee to give him permission to testify.

These proceedings were opened in 1823 to punish a political conspiracy against the absolutist regime. Among the accused was Cândido de Almeida Sandoval, who had already been arrested by the former liberal regime for violating the Law of the Freedom of Press. Many of the accused were acquitted, but not Sandoval, who was exiled to Angola, where he kept ending up in jail and escaping from it. Even Jean Baptiste-Douiville (a French traveller who was in Central Africa between 1828 and 1830) met him and refers his activism in his diaries.

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Illmo Senhor Dezembargador Intendente Geral da Policia,

Tendo participaçoes que fazer, as quaes supponho d' algum interêsse, rógo a VaSa, se sirva mandar, se me tomam jucialmente, os depoementos que dezejo fazer.

Illmo Senhor Dezembargador Intendente Geral da Policia Sou de Va Sa muito attento Venerador, Candido d' Almeida Sandoval. Cadea da Cidade 26 de Novembro.

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