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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1825. Bilhete de Francisco Ferreira Dias, almocreve, para destinatário não identificado.

Autor(es) Francisco Ferreira Dias      
Destinatário(s) Anónimo518      
In English

Note from Francisco Ferreira Dias to a non identified addressee.

The author asks the addressee about a a third person, presumably for extortion purposes.

In the first quarter of the 19th century, extorsion letters became a very typical practice in the Limoeiro jail, near Lisbon. Prisoners, pretending to be highwaymen, contacted people outside jail, threatening them with all sorts of ruinous events in the case they didn't hand in a certain amount of money. The frequentness of this practice was possible also because of the political and social turmoil associated with these first years of Liberalism.

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Page 34r

Snr Franco Alves de mendonso ao simo da Rua Noba do Almada No 32 3o Andar escrivam das sizas de lordelo vmce saibame da saude deste sinhor e avizeme para eu lhe escrever eu Franco Fra Dias

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