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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1589. Carta de Miguel Rodrigues para sua tia, Ana Mendes.

Autor(es) Miguel Rodrigues      
Destinatário(s) Ana Mendes      
In English

Family letter from Miguel Rodrigues to his aunt, Ana Mendes.

The author writes his aunt, giving her news about the charges pressed against his father and asking for her to lend him some more money.

Diogo Castanho, a New-Christian resident in Vila Viçosa, was mentioned in several proceedings, charged for Judaism. In 1589, the Court of the Holy Office ordered the judge of the High Court, Sebastião Barbosa, to arrest Diogo Castanho and his current wife, Inês da Costa, both now living in Abrantes, Diogo Castanho's hometown. Among the documents gathered during Diogo Castanho's arrest, several family letters were found and were considered of interest to the case. Other documents were also considered relevant to the proceedings: the taking of evidences on his arrest in Évora and an exposure to the judge of the High Court, written by the official who arrested the couple. Diogo Castanho was arrested that same year, in Évora, where the preparatory inquiry took place.

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Cheguei ao amdroal omde achai o dezembraguador e lhe dei os papeis q de la trouxe pera serem acostados ao feito de meu pai e como hemtendo q hele he de pouco hestamaguo me pus a mãodar heste omẽ pera por hele lhes dar comta he a vosa m de seus neguosios os quais corem no treslado q darei comta a vosa m q he o feito d estar arezoado q tamto q cheguei loguo me fes o dezembraguador haudihemsia he me derão vista he foi arezoar o feito com o ldo amdre leitam q he o milhor da tera como meu pai sabe o qual nas rezois do feito me dise não deixar de sair com alguma comdenasãozinha e pera hesta e o mais q he hesa carta de meu pai q leva lhe quis a vm hescrever hesta q por amor de noso snõr q atemte o hestado hem q meu pai hesta oje porq afirmo a vosa m que se o não acore q hemtemdo ser pouca sua vida se lhe dura mto a prisão

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