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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1715. Carta de Manuel Marques da Silva, criado, para o seu primo, Manuel da Cruz, cozinheiro.

Autor(es) Manuel Marques da Silva      
Destinatário(s) Manuel da Cruz      
In English

Family letter from Manuel Marques da Silva, servant, to his cousin Manuel da Cruz, cook.

The author tells his cousin that he has arrived well, and gives him some family news, saying it is necessary to inform the Inquisition about a business.

The defendant in this process is Manuel Gomes Rodrigues, who sometimes was known by Manuel Gomes and others by Manuel Rodrigues, among other names. He was accused of bigamy, for having married Antónia Josefa while his first wife, Maria Gomes, was still alive. He was able to marry this second time thanks to a falsified document saying he was single. When it was publicly known that is first wife was still alive, he tried to kill her, poisoning the water that she was supposed to drink and, failing this, beating her and trying to drown her. She cried for help, which called the attention of the neighbours. He was later condemned to be publicly flogged and to row for five years in the galleys, among other punishments.

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Page 9r

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Manoel Marques da Sylva

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