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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

1769. Carta de António Geraldes Teive e Sampaio para Manuel Caetano Pacheco de Melo.

Autor(es) António Geraldes Teive e Sampaio      
Destinatário(s) Manuel Caetano Pacheco de Melo      
In English

These two letters were used as evidence in a lawsuit related to unpaid rents, moved by Manuel Caetano Pacheco de Melo against António Geraldes de Teive e Sampaio in 1779. The letters are from 1769, ten years before the lawsuit was moved. The answer to the first letter (PSCR1538) was given in the lower left corner, partially covered by the fold of the file and in faint handwriting.

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Page 16r

ja lhe disse a VMce que ao do Anto da Cunha as rendas lhe hey de dar a VMce irão os sete mos de tro e qto se lhe deve a VMce do veram pasado ser pago q na pa ou hey de contra os Rendros Ds gde como pode Angra Maio de 1769

C de VMce Anto giraldes

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