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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Representação em facsímile

[1702]. Carta de Diogo Mendes Sola para [Francisco Mendes de Castro].

Autor(es) Diogo Mendes Sola      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Mendes Castro      
In English

Private letter from Diogo Mendes Sola to [Francisco Mendes de Castro].

The author states to the recipient that he owes money to José Manem, giving some justifications and lamenting what happened.

The defendant in this process is Álvaro Nicolau Nogueira, a businessman resident in Lisbon, arrested by the Inquisition for Judaism in 1704, along with his three sisters. Their process opens with a long defense letter, delivered to the Inquisition table by the father João Ribeiro in August 1704, accompanied by three sheets with several missives that should serve to support certain statements made in the point 16 of the same letter. According to this point, the brothers Jorge Mendes Nobre, lawyer, and Diogo Mendes Sola, captain of horses, also arrested by the Inquisition for Judaism and who are witnesses against the defendant, were enemies of Álvaro Nicolau Nogueira and his brother, Francisco Mendes de Castro, also a businessman in Lisbon. The two brothers had asked them for bail money several times, but as they did not pay what they owed, Álvaro Nicolau Nogueira and Francisco Mendes de Castro failed to accept their applications, cutting off relations with them. The five letters included in the process are related to this hostility between the two intervening parts.

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Page 19r

Meu sr he verdade q devo treztos e tantos mil reis ao Manen, mas tambem he serto lhe pagei des mil e qtos cruzados em dois mezes avendo de ser em 4: e em 8 mas nada disto emportara se eu agora os tivera e como do resto lhe he de pagar juros pareseme não tem rezão pe o seu aperto e sobretudo sinto q recorra a vmce porq sei coanto estaz grasas lhe são penozas, e q lhe não poso remediar as alheiaz lhe quizera empidir as propiaz, sigurese vmce de q coando elle obre abcão em q moleste a vmce me venderei por nesro, porq estimo em mais o suceso de vmce do q a minha libardade e perdoe oCupalo os dias atras no escripto da desima da cenelaturia porq ignorava de seu juramto eu o tenho feito e com firme preposito de sirvir a vmce em tudo o q puder e valer como seu criado e devedor Do Mendez

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