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Maarten Janssen, 2014-


1769. Carta de Pedro Caragol para su primo Jerónimo Cros, maestro de sastre.

Autor(es) Pedro Caragol      
Destinatário(s) Jerónimo Cros      
In English

Letter from Pedro Caragol to his cousin Jerónimo Cros, a tailor.

The author writes to his cousin Jerónimo Cros to cheer him up and hoping he has a soon release from prison.

The trial for bigamy against Jerónimo Cros occurred between 1759 and 1769, eventually he was found guilty. Jerónimo Cros got married to Josefa Belenguer in 1755. Two years later he left to Valencia, where he got engaged to Vicenta Sopena, however, he sent her back home and in 1761 he got married in Madrid to Francisca Zelada. He was sent to the Holy Office’s prison on February the 20th 1769. On the top left margin it is written down that the letter was received from the Holy Office of Toledo on April the 4th 1769 for his trial and it was brought by a forerunner”.

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Gueronimo tengo resibada la tuia de 9 de marzo y al no aber escrito mas prompto es que no fuy al coreo y siento a lo que dices que eres preso del santo tribunal de la ynquisicion y aqui te remito lo obito del paraco como tu muguer morio y en caso se te oferese otros papeles escribiras pues te ago a saber como tu Padre s es muerto a seis anyos y Gueronimo Caragol tambien es muerto a tres anyos a y estoy amirado como no lo sabes y sento mutyo de tu desgrasia y lo que te estimare que me buelbas despues como as resibido la carta y a saber como sales de tu desgrasia es lo que se me oferese Ro a Dios te Gde m a como deo Guererona 12 de Abril 1769

Tu serbidor Pedro Caragol tu primo Gueronimo Cros

y memorias de tu ermana y demas parientes



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