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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1689. Carta de Francisco de Ávila para su hermano Lorenzo Ramos de Ávila, arriero.

Autor(es) Francisco de Ávila      
Destinatário(s) Lorenzo Ramos de Ávila      
In English

Letter from Francisco de Ávila to his brother Lorenzo Ramos de Ávila, a muleteer.

The author writes to his brother Lorenzo Ramos de Ávila, wanting to know about his family well-being and giving him several news.

The defendant of this case is Diego Monterroso, a muleteer native to Guatemala. He was accused of bigamy for getting married twice: first in the city of Santa Ana (El Salvador) to Catarina, a tributary Indian; and later to Juana Pacheco, a mixed race native to Puebla de los Ángeles (Mexico). Diego Monterroso´s second wife prosecutes him after finding out he was already married. This information is provided to her by Francisco de Ávila through a letter he sends to his brother Lorenzo Ramos de Ávila.


Rocío Sánchez Rubio, Isabel Testón Núñez

El hilo que une. Las relaciones epistolares en el Viejo y en el Nuevo Mundo, siglos XVI-XVIII


Universidad de Extremadura


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