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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1760-1770]. Billete de Gabriel Pérez de Noriega Azpilicueta, escribano de número, para su prima Francisca Rodríguez Pérez de Noriega.

Autor(es) Gabriel Pérez de Noriega Azpilicueta      
Destinatário(s) Francisca Rodríguez Pérez de Noriega      
In English

Note from Gabriel Pérez de Noriega Azpilicueta, a scrivener of number, to his cousin Francisca Rodríguez Pérez de Noriega.

The author writes a love note to Francisca Rodríguez Pérez de Noriega, his first cousin.

Following an accusation of rape, this litigation occurred in 1766 between Gabriel Pérez de Noriega Azpilicueta, a native to Villada (Palencia) and Francisca Rodríguez Pérez de Noriega, a native to Valladlid. There was a previous trial in the Ecclesiastic Tribunal of León for non-compliance with a verbal promise of marriage. Subsequently, the public prosecutor extended the lawsuit to incest for both parties. Specifically, Gabriel Pérez de Noriega Azpilicueta was accused of using blandishment, flattery, simulated affectionate words and controversial conversation implying they would get married [...] enjoying her virginity as many times as he pleased." (folio 1v). In 1766, the year the trial began, Francisca was under 25 years old and over 18 years old and she was pregnant. The note transcribed in here was provided by the plaintiff in order to prove that the defendant maintained a love relationship with her. The note is written "in a medium size page from 1725" (folio 41r). The defendant denied to be the author.

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