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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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[1586]. Carta de Miguel Palacio, estudiante, para Pedro de Soria, familiar y proveedor de los presos del Santo Oficio.

Autor(es) Miguel Palacio      
Destinatário(s) Pedro de Soria      
In English

Letter from Miguel Palacio, student, to Pedro de Soria, familiar of the Inquisition Tribunal and supplier of the Inquisition prisoners.

The author affronts Pedro de Soria after this accused him of being Jewish.

The accused in this process was Miguel Palacio, student. In 1586 he was accused of insult by the Inquisition Tribunal of Zaragoza, because of this defamatory letter sent to Pedro de Soria. The letter was handed over to the Inquisition Tribunal. Faced with the impossibility to deny the accuse, he wrote a repentance letter to Pedro de Soria, which, too, was joined to the proceedings. Eventually, the accused was pardoned, in exchange for a declaration in which he restored the honour and reputation of Pedro de Soria in front of the officers of the Inquisition Tribunal.

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