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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1520. Carta de Diogo Velho, [comendador da alcáçova de Elvas], para Gonçalo Álvares, alcaide-mor de Penela.

Autor(es) Diogo Velho      
Destinatário(s) Gonçalo Álvares      
In English

Private letter from Diogo Velho [commander in Elvas], to Gonçalo Álvares, mayor of Penela.

The author thanks the recipient for the news he had sent to him, and tells him about his business; he also asks him to send to another letter a mutual acquaintance.

This letter is attached to the documents of a filed suit against Diogo Luís do Monte de Vez, near Penela, by Leonor Ribeira, a widow, about the overturning of a wall that prevented the normal use of a wheat threshing floor.

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