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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1653. Carta não autógrafa de Francisco Gomes Henriques para Jerónimo Nunes.

Autor(es) Francisco Gomes Henriques      
Destinatário(s) Jerónimo Nunes      
In English

Friendship letter, dictated, from Francisco Gomes Henriques to Jerónimo Nunes

The addressee writes to a friend asking him to take care of his house, family and business while he is in prison.

Two letters were kept in the proceedings of Francisco Gomes Henriques, arrested for Judaism and blasphemy. Francisco Gomes Henriques asked D. José Carreras, his cellmate (Proc. IL393), to help him write a letter (PSCR1322) and send it to the addressee through his attorney. D. José Carreras was spying Francisco Gomes Henriques for the Inquisitors and informed them of this request. The Inquisition instructed D. José Carrera to write whatever he was asked to, as long as he informed the Holy Office. Therefore, D. José Carreras wrote the letter and Francisco Gomes Henriques signed it. That same letter was then handed in to the Inquisition. After being informed that he had been sentenced to death and his appeal had been rejected, Francisco Gomes Henriques wrote one last letter to his wife and his family (PSCR1323).


Baião, António (1953), Episódios Dramáticos da Inquisição Portuguesa, Vol. II, Lisboa, Seara Nova (2ª ed.).

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