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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1651. Carta de Francisco Luís, mercador, para o tio Francisco Luís.

Autor(es) Francisco Luís      
Destinatário(s) Francisco Luís      
In English

Family letter from Francisco Luís, merchant, to his oncle Francisco Luís.

The author gives his uncle instructions on how to proceed, and expresses some concerns about certain developments.

The new christian Francisco Luís, a merchant from Muxagata, was arrested in Bragança by order of the Inquisition of Coimbra. This letter, which he was planning to send to his homeland, was found among his belongings. It was used to prove that the defendant was on the run with other merchants, who already knew that another merchant, of Mogadouro, had been arrested.

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