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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1755. Carta de Alfonso de Astudillo, apoderado, para Félix de Astudillo López.

Autor(es) Alfonso de Astudillo      
Destinatário(s) Félix de Astudillo López      
In English

Letter from Alfonso de Astudillo, a proxy, to Félix de Astudillo López.

The author advises Félix de Astudillo to desist in his intention of obtaining the concession for the meat supply due to the malice of the authorities of the village.

In 1755, Félix Astudillo López, a War Major Treasury official, addressed the Council to protest against Antonio de Astudillo´s actions, who was the mayor of the village of Millana. He had denied him the concession for the meat supply in the aforementioned village. Despite the conditions he presented for being in charge of that service were better and in the best interest of the community than the ones of the other applicant, the mayor decided to grant the supply to Pedro José de la Cámara. In addition to his argument that the latter did not have a livestock of his own, Félix accused the mayor of having made a decision based on his family relationship with Pedro José and also his enmity with him. In order to proof his arguments, the plaintiff provided four letters in which he was warned of the difficulties he would face and the negative repercussion on his property if he made a claim before justice. The Council decided to grant the meat supply permit to Félix Astudillo López.

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