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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1602-1603]. Cópia da carta de Isabel Mendes para o filho, João Nunes Baião.

Autor(es) Isabel Mendes      
Destinatário(s) João Nunes Baião      
In English

Copy of a family letter from Isabel Mendes to her son João Nunes Baião, a prisoner by the Inquisition.

The author sends news on the sales she has been doing on behalf of her son, the addressee, while he is in prison. She tells him all the items she has sent him and gives advice on how he should close his writings to her, so that she knows whether or not someone has opened them.

Thirty of the letters exchanged between Isabel Mendes and her son, João Nunes Baião, imprisoned in Goa since 1600, were seized by the inquisitors in 1603 and included in the proceedings against the mother. Isabel Mendes had written five of them, and her son, the other twenty-five. A complete net of servants and slaves had contributed to the correspondence exchange. After the system was discovered, Isabel Mendes was arrested and the letters were transcribed by the Goa Inquisition and sent to Lisbon. The cipher that some of them exhibited was replaced by alphabetic expressions.

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amarrados, sempre fazei assim, e podeis esCrever tudo o que
quizerdes, não vos pareça q me enfada, nẽ qCansso de esCrever
perq vos juro, assim vos veja eu Livre mto cedo, e fora dahi
como pa mỹ alivio grande; e não me peza senão perq aveis
de ler com trabalho perq tudo vai borrado, mas não
outro Remedio, eu detremino pa vosso alivio mandar
chamar o pe fernão gomes, e confessarme com elle, E dar lhe
conta do q passa debaixo de per sinaL da Cruz, não sei se tera

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