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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1606. Carta de Inês Fernandes a seu genro, Gaspar Fernandes, almocreve.

Autor(es) Inês Fernandes      
Destinatário(s) Gaspar Fernandes      
In English

Family letter from Inês Fernandes to her father-in-law, Gaspar Fernandes, a muleteer.

Gaspar Fernandes, the addressee of this letter, was convicted to penances and exile in the galleys for the crime of bigamy. He was first married to Ana da Mota for 4 years and married again with Beatriz Gonçalves while the first wife was still alive.

«Through this you will know what you must to. A man arrived to this land and he came on behalf of the Holy Inquisition because of a complaint to arrest you for getting married twice. You need to go to a safe place. And don’t ignore this. This man, I know he secretly takes form this land a certificate that proves you received it there. I know he is an Inquisition commissioner and he will send a warrant to that land to arrest you. Therefore, you must leave that place and go to another. Beware of all the troubles you’ll have if they arrest you. I will write no more. May Our Lord concede you health and life.

From Arruda, today, February, 2nd, six-hundred and six years

From your mother-in-law, Inês Fernandes»

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Page 7r


Sabereis por esta o q vos emporta fazeres, a esta terra chegou

homẽ q por parte da sãcta enquisisão vinha por terem denũsiado
de vos pa vos prenderem por cazares duas vezes, enporta
vos pordevos en porto seguro e não fasais pouco cazo disto
este homẽ sei q leva en segredo desta terra hũa sertidão
de como vos recebestes hi sei q he camirio da inqui
sisão e a de mãodar a essa terra mãodado pa seres
preso por onde vos enporta vos passares de hi
pa outra parte agora vede os trabalhos q tereis
se vos prenderem. sou mais larga nosso sor vos
de saude e vida E desta aRuda oje
de fevro de seissentos e seis Anos de Vosa sogra
Ines Frz

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