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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1816. Carta de Maria Teles para Dona Joana Perpétua Henriques Cabreira.

Autor(es) Maria Teles      
Destinatário(s) Joana Perpétua Henriques Cabreira      
In English

Friendship letter from Maria Teles to Madam Joana Perpétua Henriques Cabreira.

The author tells the addressee about the value of a stolen ring.

Joana Perpétua Henriques Cabreira accused Pantaleão José Gonçalves, a shop owner, of taking ownership of a diamond ring which had been handed in to him as a guarantee for buying a hat. This letter, written by a complaining friend, was used as evidence of the ring’s value.

«Dearest madam.

My very dear friend, to whom I devote the utmost veneration and respect, your news give me the greatest satisfaction, even though it is not complete due to the ongoing illness of your dear father and mother, to whom I send my love and friendship. I, my dear madam, have not been well either, but I am always willing to please you. I haven’t sent it to Lisbon due to the weather, which I have been feeling myself. I wanted to send you something for the Popular Saints Celebration, but you must be aware of the awful paths to that land. I also haven’t had news from my daughter, apart from this letter which you sent me by your servant. I see what you tell me about the ring. I heard my man saying it had cost eighty thousand réis; that’s all I can tell you. And I truly regret you had that trouble, but, as it was pretty, I took the liberty of offering it to him. There is no mail to that land and it was very troublesome to send your servant. And I will soon send him and the order your mother asked me. And now I tell you only that I am your loyal friend and very thankful.

Maria Teles, Carvoeira, November 6th, 1816

PS: Please accept compliments from all these gentlemen and from your servants who address you with great respect.»

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Page 21r > 21v

maior venerasão e Respto as notisias
de VSas me dão a maior sastifasão ainda
q não completa pela continuasão
da molestia do Illmo Seu Pai da Exma Sua
Mai a qm com amor e amizade me recomendo
Eu ma Snra tambem não
tenho pasado bem mas sempre serta
em lhe agradar não tenho mandado a Lixa
pa mor do tempo q bem tenho sentido
pois lhe queria mandar huma coizinha
pelos Santos mas bem sabe os maos Ca
minhos pa esa terra nem tambem tenho
tido notisias da ma filha i agora esta
carta q VSa me Remete pelo seu Criado
vejo o q me dis a Respto do anel ouvi dizer
ao meu home q lhe custara oitenta mil reis
qto poso dizer a VSa e de verdade sinto
q tivese ese disabor porq era bonito e
por iso tumei a confiensa de lho ofereser pa
esa terra não correio e me deu tanto
emcomodo mandar o seu Criado e eu com
brebidade he de mandar e ha de hir
a emcomenda q me fes a Exma Snra Sua
Mai e agora so digo q

sou de VSa

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