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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

[1500-1599]. Carta de Violante de Castro para o [Senhor Santantonio].

Autor(es) Violante de Castro      
Destinatário(s) Santantónio      
In English

Private letter from Violante de Castro to [Senhor Santantonio]

The author warns the recipient about the lies of a certain man called Heitor.

This letter was found in the collection Coleção de Cartas (within Cartas Missivas and Other Documents) which collects, in 4 packs, loose documents of uncertain or incomplete date. The contextualization of each letter is done using information from the letter itself.

«They have just told us that you wanted to send Heitor to Lisbon with all these letters. We ask you in signed letter not to do it, nor to trust him, no matter how many promises he makes, because he is very untrusting and never tells the truth. And she will see what will come of those letters in his hands. And if she didn’t have them […], may God prevent it from happening; believe me, you would find us dead when you arrived. Therefore, do not send them by anyone else, but a very trustworthy and trained person, and warn Dom Garcia of that, telling him to not let go of them, so that they can be sent here. And so, Heitor was untrusting to his lord’s daughters and sent their warning letters to the monastery door; he will be truthful to no one! And since I believe you will have great discretion in this and everything else related to your servant, as it is expected from her. I have nothing else to say but to kiss your hands a thousand times. Your obeying vassal and servant, Dona Violante de Castro»

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eytor a lysboa co estas cartas todas lhe pidimos
asinada merçe q o faça nẽ cõfie dele
por mais juras q lhe jure porq e mto falso e
nũca fala verdade e esas cartas nele tãto
como ela vera e se as esta as na ouvese
o q ds queira crea vosa senhoria q nos
acharia vivas a sua vĩda e por isso
nas mãde senã por pa mto certa e espri
mẽtada e mãde avisar guarcya deço
q lhe saia da mão de maneira q
lhas posã ca mãdar e pois eytor foi falso
as fas de seu sõr e mãdou as suas cartas
sobre aviso a porta do mosteiro a nỹguẽ
sera fiell e porq eu creio q vosa senho
rya nisto e tudo o q cũpre as suas servido
res tera grãde resguardo como se dela
espera diguo mais q beyjarlhe mil
vezes as mãos.

sua obidiẽte sudita e svidor-
dona Violãte de castro

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