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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1812. Carta de Juan Francisco González del Pico, empleado en el Real Hospital de Marina, para Andrés López.

Autor(es) Juan Francisco González del Pico      
Destinatário(s) Andrés López      
In English

Letter from Juan Francisco González del Pico, an employee at the Real Hospital de Marina, to Andrés López.

The author asks Andrés López to act on his behalf and take possession of certain fields that belong to him.

Following the possession and property of a field a litigation between Manuel Sanjurjo Bermúdez and Andrés López, as representative of Juan Francisco González, took place in 1816. Two letters are included in the documentation of the process (PS6193 y PS6194). The first one (PS6193) was provided by Manuel Sanjurjo to prove that Juan Francisco González did not want to go to trial and preferred to donate the land to the plaintiff; the second letter (PS6194) was provided by Andrés López to prove by collating the handwritings that the first letter was false and that Juan Francisco González´s intention was always to take ownership of the field. Regarding the authorship of the letter PS6193, the respondent party argued as follows: "falsity could not be more obvious. If we collate the handwritings and the signatures from both letters, we can find the deformity and similitude in both of them. In the signature of the letter sent to me reads 'Juan Francisco González del Pico' whilst in the supplanted one it just reads 'Juan Francisco González'. It is manifest, not only in the saturated handwriting, but also in the 'G' of the surname 'González' which arches back while in the real one it arches to the front. There is also not any similitude in the signature" (fl. 81r).

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Page 77r > 77v

S D Andres Lopez
Lima y Septe 20/812.

Muy sor mio y de mi mayor estimacion: El 20

del ppdo recivi la muy apreciable de vmd con fha 18 de
Septe de 811 y adjunto con ella la fe de Bautismo q
vmd me remite pr lo q le doy las debidas gracias, pu
es esta muy buena como de sus manos.


vmd me dice en la suya q ha estimado el

q el Admor de Correos q saco la plata de la carta q
fue pa mis hermanas, hizo bien de mandarle ynfasson
desde, de como y por que la habia sacado, y de q a no ser
asi mis hermanos no le creerian; sepa vmd que para mi
muy indiferente fuera pues basta con q yo a vmd nos
creamos, no digo en eso, sino en muchos miles q fueran


La carta q fue de aqui a mi primo inclusa

en la mia; estoy en q fue del primo q esta aqui; no se lo
cierto, pues yo en el tpo de 10 años y meses q hazen
q sali de estsa pa esta, no mereci jamas de mi tio la mas
lebe insignuacion en q me diese razn, ni noticia

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