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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

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1807. Carta de José Antonio Díez para su hermano Manuel Díez, capellán.

Autor(es) José Antonio Díez      
Destinatário(s) Manuel Díez      
In English

Letter from José Antonio Díez to his brother Manuel Díez, a chaplain.

The author describes certain individual to his brother, Manuel Díez.

Trial from 1807 divided in to parts for a theft. The first part contemplates a litigation against Manuel García regarding the theft of some horses, seizure of a skeleton keys and keys, and other excesses. The second part (in which this letter is contained) contemplates the litigation against Manuel García regarding the theft of a mule.

In 1807 a man without documents or passport appeared in Burgos and was arrested. He stated his name was Francisco Gonzalo, a farmer native to Lerma (Burgos). However, after some inquires and going through witness recognition, it was found out that his real name was Manuel García, a resident of medina de Pomar (Burgos) who had escaped from the prison of Miranda del Ebro (Burgos). Besides, it was found out that he was the same person who, in 1805, had stolen a mule from José Antonio Díez, a resident of Calahorra (La Rioja). He took the mule under the pretext of carrying some grain to San Esteban de Gormaz (Soria). This letter was delivered by Manuel Díez, Antonio Díez´s brother and a chaplain at Burgos Cathedral, in order to prove that he was the same individual who stole his brother´s mule. The letter provides Manuel García´s description.

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Page 14r

Calahorra y Junio 27 de 1807

querido hermano qe el no aberme presentado

en esa a sido por estar con mucha Familia y no estar
para acer gastos pues faltando a mi trabajo no
tengo qe comer tanbien conozco qe no ago falta po
rqe tu lo conoces lo mismo qe yo pues ablastes barias
beces corn el y aber tratado mientras estubo en esa
las señas d el son estas su estatura como dos baras
poco mas mui rrojo y mui blanco mui gureso y mui
ancho de espaldas traia sombrero de copa alta re
decilla chaleco blanco de alcotonia calzones negros
medias de algodon y apargatas balencianas y e labio
bajero partido por medio el nombre de el puedo jurar
qe me dijo se llamaba Franco el apelleido no estoi seguro
si me dijo se llamababa Gonzalo o artiaga: espresio
nes de todos los de casa y manda a tu ermano q t M B

Josef Anto Diez
querido hermano

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