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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1705. Carta de Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias para Alonso Prieto, labrador y cosechero.

Autor(es) Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias      
Destinatário(s) Alonso Prieto      
In English

Letter from Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias to Alonso Prieto, a farmer and a harvester.

The author informs Alonso Prieto about a person of trust whom he is sending for a commercial transaction.

Following an accusation of smuggling grain and other goods from Castile to Portugal, a case occurred in 1709 against Alonso Prieto, a resident of Aldeadávila de la Ribera (Salamanca). In order to defend himself from the accusation Alonso Prieto stated the following: a certain José de Valdenebro came to him in 1704 with an order to go down to the Douro River to deal with a Portuguese; that this Portuguese was a spy and the reason for these meetings was to obtain information about the enemy; that the exchange of goods was just an excuse to justify those meetings and the only exchanged four loads of sugar, a hundred pounds of wax and stockings. Seven letters seized to Alonso Prieto were found in the process documentation (PS6236 to PS6242).These letters were used to contradict the defendant´s version, since their content showed that he was indeed trading with all kind of goods: hats, wool fabric, soap, grain…

If there is no translation for the letter itself, you may copy the text (while using the view 'Standardization') and paste it to an automatic translator of your choice.

Page 22r


Sr Alonso Prieto alegrareme

de la salud de Vmd y que para
qto se le ofrezca se valga de la
mia pues le servire con toda
voluntad. Mi primo D Joseph
me llamó desde Ciud Ro Para de
zirme como en estos ocho ó
diez dias no podia Pasar a e
sa villa y asi me encargó le
vuscase persona de toda confian
za y sabiendo io que lo es franco
pasa a esa villa, y Por la carta
de mi primo se servyra Vmd de
guiarse encargandole que si
las sempiternas no fueren de
calidad y en precio con conve
nencia haga Vmd como por si
mismo Pues lo que asta aora
se a traido a tenido quiebra
lleba los 16 doblones, y no se ofreçe otra cosa mas que quedar
a la ovediencia de Vmd deseando le gde Dios m an san felizes y hene
ro 10 de 1705

B l m de Vm
s sr
Antto Joseph de

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