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Maarten Janssen, 2014-

Linhas do facsímile

1705. Carta de Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias para Alonso Prieto, labrador y cosechero.

Autor(es) Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias      
Destinatário(s) Alonso Prieto      
In English

Letter from Antonio José de Valdenebro y Tapias to Alonso Prieto, a farmer and a harvester.

The author asks Alonso Prieto if he received certain amount of money from Francisco.

Following an accusation of smuggling grain and other goods from Castile to Portugal, a case occurred in 1709 against Alonso Prieto, a resident of Aldeadávila de la Ribera (Salamanca). In order to defend himself from the accusation Alonso Prieto stated the following: a certain José de Valdenebro came to him in 1704 with an order to go down to the Douro River to deal with a Portuguese; that this Portuguese was a spy and the reason for these meetings was to obtain information about the enemy; that the exchange of goods was just an excuse to justify those meetings and the only exchanged four loads of sugar, a hundred pounds of wax and stockings. Seven letters seized to Alonso Prieto were found in the process documentation (PS6236 to PS6242).These letters were used to contradict the defendant´s version, since their content showed that he was indeed trading with all kind of goods: hats, wool fabric, soap, grain…

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Sr Alonso Prieto estando aier

para pasar a esa villa fue Dios ser
vido dar a mi Muger un acciden
te de que queda mui Mala, Mi
primo con la llegada del sr Ma
riscal a Ciud Rodrigo tan ocu
pado que no Puede salir de alli
y asi en el interin que io me pue
da llegar allá suplico a vmd me
participe con claridad como a
sido este cuento de franco, y si
entregó a vmd los diezyseis doblones
y en qto a lo que me escrive de que mi
primo diga que el jabon era suio
puede decirle vmd que con que
verguenza toma en la voca una
cosa como esa tan contra el pun
to de mi primo y mio, Pues lo
que esta contratado con aquel

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